Home Consciousness Harness the Energy of December’s Gemini Full Moon with this Powerful End-of-the-Year Ritual

Harness the Energy of December’s Gemini Full Moon with this Powerful End-of-the-Year Ritual

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On December 15th, with the Gemini Full Moon, we can start to release the heavy, dense energies of the past year.

With its energizing power, it begs us to start preparing for the new year by clearing the way.

The Gemini Full Moon can help you achieve a state of lightness, which is an essential prerequisite for releasing. Take advantage of its sociable and welcoming energies to organize a memorable outing with loved ones or to spend quality time with friends and family.

Incorporating play into your routine will help you feel lighter and more prepared to let go.

In this ritual, we can learn to harness the energies of the season, connect with our authentic selves, and overcome whatever is standing in our way.

I hope you find this ritual enjoyable; it offers powerful releasing magic.

How to find your truth with the ritual for this period?

You can do this ritual anytime you want, but the best time will be between the 10th of December and the 20th of December, and it is a perfect opportunity to purge and let go of all that we no longer wish to carry into 2025.

Your Gemini Full Moon End-of-the-Year Ritual

Needed things for the ritual:

  • Aura cleansing tool of choice
  • Pen and paper
  • Candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Small cloth bag or glass jar


Step one: 

Allow yourself a moment of stillness and engage in 10 deep, cleansing breaths. Begin by purifying your aura with the instrument that resonates with you most. As you purify your energy, intone the following:

“I let go of the burdens that 2024 has imparted. As I tune into my body, I sense a gentle release in my shoulders, a soothing calmness washing over my forehead, and a serene stillness enveloping my eyes. As I journey through my being, I experience a gentle wave of liberation. As I shift my awareness to my toes, a profound sense of cleansing, restoration, and renewal envelops me. My body is whole. My thoughts are focused and serene. I am prepared to release the past and embrace my true self.”

Step two:

Subsequently, cleanse your surroundings and any materials intended for your ritual. As you engage in this practice, please recite the following:

“I cleanse this environment with light and nurturing and loving energy. I express my gratitude for the energies that surround me, for the essence of my environment, and for the sacred elements that I have gathered for this ritual. My space is cleansed; my space is pure.”

Step three:

Gather your pen and paper, and thoughtfully engage with the following prompts. A brief yet insightful reflection will suffice:

  • As the dawn of 2024 approached, anticipation filled my spirit as I looked forward to…
  • As the year 2024 unfolded, my mind was occupied with a significant source of stress…
  • As I arrived at the midpoint of 2024, a profound realization began to unfold within me…
  • As I arrived at the midpoint of 2024, I found myself reflecting on the accomplishments that filled me with pride…
  • As we approached the end of 2024, I began to sense…
  • As we approach the conclusion of 2024, I find myself reflecting on the journey…
  • This year, I find myself reflecting on the aspects of my journey that have brought me the greatest sense of pride…

Step four:

Pause to contemplate your responses and any insights that may have emerged for you. Should you feel the need, indulge in an additional 10 clearing breaths.

Step five: 

At this moment, get another pen and paper, and begin writing down all that you desire to release and relinquish as we transition into 2024. Consider crafting a list or engaging in reflective journaling to write down the aspects of your life you wish to release. Upon completion, tear the paper into strips and ignite each strip individually; this serves as a powerful act of symbolic purification.  When the papers become too heated to hold, gently place them into a bowl of water. Should you find yourself in possession of a bonfire or a fireplace, you may choose to incinerate the paper in its entirety.

Step six:

Gather your final sheet of paper and proceed to cut or tear it into 12 individual strips. On each strip, write a positive affirmation or a message that radiates confidence. Envision this as crafting empowering messages from the universe for your future self. Gently fold the papers and carefully place them into the bag or jar, ensuring they are nestled with intention.

At any moment, you may return to your bag or jar to receive an uplifting message from your own Higher Self! With 12 distinct energies to explore, you might consider establishing a monthly ritual of drawing a message, guiding you through the year 2025. Prepare to be amazed by the profound accuracy of your Higher Self!

Step seven:

Conclude the ritual by discarding your bowl of water.

Your ritual is complete!

Full Moon Blessings!

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