by Conscious Reminder We are seeking the immediate fulfillment of our desires. Get ready for an incredibly influential day, my fellow zodiac signs. With the Sun in Taurus and the …
May 15
ConsciousnessLifestyleMotivationZodiac & Astrology
Today, May 15, Mercury Enters Taurus, Bringing Success & Abundance to Two Zodiacs
by Conscious Reminder Dedicate your full focus and effort to what will bring you the most abundance. When it comes to achieving success and abundance, the words you choose to …
ConsciousnessLifestyleMotivationSpiritualityZodiac & Astrology
Ceres, the Great Mother, Goes Retrograde on May 15, 2024: Deep Diving in Your Emotions
by Conscious Reminder The asteroid Ceres has a significant impact on your approach to relationships, according to astrology. The asteroid Ceres and the moon have striking similarities, both symbolizing the …