In a recent attempt to understand how conventional physics “explains” reality, I began to read Lawrence Krauss “A Universe from Nothing”. Krauss is one of those famous scientists like Richard …
There was a time when shamanic ceremonies played a key role in a society. Such rituals involved the consumption of different herbs under the supervision of the shaman who acted …
Hinduism is repleted with symbolism Some even say that no other religion employs the art of symbolism as effectively as the Hindus. Hinduism employs the art of symbolism with amazing …
A Whiff Of The Sacred Sensual Sexual Sublimely Innocent Artistic Feminine Spirit
MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Embracing the Embodiment of Sacred Scented Sexuality A sacred sensually seductive ethereal feminine energy exists in all of us. Whether we are presently residing in male …
The Secrets of Crystal Healing: A Complete Guide To Supercharging The Mind, Body And Spirit With Sacred Stones And Minerals
Crystals have been used throughout all of history as a source of healing power. Ancient cultures all over the world used healing crystals and stones to align, clear and transform …
7 Sacred Herbs And Foods For Boosting Your S*x Drive And Optimizing Your Hormonal Balance
There are a number of little known sacred herbs and foods that powerfully increase s*x drive and stimulate hormonal production and balance. Few know this, but your s*x drive is …