This Full Moon falls in Pisces on September 6. The eclipse of August 21, has affected deeply the majority of signs and will continue to do so for 2 to …
Your Native American moon sign is reflective. Because we are dealing with attributes of the moon, the personality types shared below will speak to your shadow selves. However, most astrological zodiacs …
by Vera Ingeborg Note: I don’t write much about twin flames anymore because I do not want people to stick to a certain label and be stuck in a romantic dream …
by Deane Thomas, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Every where I tend to go there is always some sort of “signpost“ that guides me. Whether it be electronically, physically, mentally or in the …
by Dolores Cannon There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the evolution of consciousness of our world. Dolores Cannon has been at the forefront of this investigation, …
Experiencing These 31 Signs Indicates You’re A Highly Gifted Spiritual Healer
The world of metaphysics is a world of mystery. It has sparked the interest of humans since basically the beginning of time. Although there is still much to be studied regarding the …
15 Things That Will Happen To Your Body When Someone Breaks Your Heart
This is how our bodies respond to breakups! Heartbreaks are treacherous. They are terrible. Trials of the heart are struggles that you wouldn’t even wish on your worst enemies. They …
September 2017, Monthly Horoscope – Finally The Time Of Great Balance And Completion
All the Zodiac sun signs are here, with specific insights into your future catered directly to you. We’ll show you the details of your love life, provide career insights and …
Have you ever felt as though you stand in one place, while all of life passes you by? More to the point, have you had a whole procession of friends …
by Shawn Radcliffe If you were able to talk directly to characters on a television show about their virtual surroundings, they might not even realize that their apparently three-dimensional world was …