Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would …
Yes, peoples energy exist. Are you aware that everything moves all the time? Even the atoms in the rocks vibrate on any frequency, but because they are firmly attracted they stay fixed. When …
I have always noticed repetitive number sequences that the universe presents to me. When I was younger, I noticed them, but didn’t pay much attention to them. As I have …
Note: Not to be confused with ‘Lucid Dreaming’. When *going out* of your material body, after the return, the courage becomes so great that you can tread on things that …
On the surface, it seems the world operates in a constant state of disarray and confusion, with mass shootings, terror attacks, arguments and wars over race and religion, riots, and …
Our inner world is always triggered by our spiritual awakening. Therefore, we sometimes have sleep troubles and eventually insomnia. As you may know, sleep is a fundamental thing in our …
We are finally coming to the end of a two thousands years cycle, in which, for a long time, we have been healing/clearing ourselves from old beliefs, karmic patterns and …
20 Effective Ways to Clear and Protect Against Negative Energy
We live in a world of duality, as it is intended to be. This means that there is good and bad as well as right and wrong. This yin-yang theory …
Why Are We So Afraid Of Death – The Meaning Of Thanatophobia
“Fear of death is caused by fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain What is Thanatophobia – Fear Of Death? …
by Conscious Reminder “You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.” – Oscar Wilde Contrary to …