by Conscious Reminder A wise man once said, “I love to spend my nights over-thinking and my mornings over-sleeping.” Oh well, who are we kidding? This “wise man” dwells in each one …
Trend Alert: Mood-Boosting Gemstone Countertops Do Exist And You’ll Want One When You See Them
by Conscious Reminder Countertops are very important kitchen elements. If you ever wanted to have some specific things which will be fantastic and which will bring you positive energies, colored with …
by George J. Newton, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Now that the New Year is here, did you have any resolutions in mind? If so, is minding your mental health one of …
by Finnegan Pierson, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Stress is an extremely common experience, with approximately 70% of Americans saying that they feel stressed on a daily basis. However, there are simple steps …
by Ryan Pell Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder The New Year has begun, and that means that it’s time for adopting new life-changing habits. And why not make meditation one of them? Meditation …
Repeat These 5 Positive Daily Affirmations To Cope With Life’s Challenges
by Conscious Reminder It’s normal to experience negative feelings or challenging times in life. From insecurities to sadness, negative feelings come and go, often without warning. Inevitably, we all deal with …
Let Go And Move On – Everything Goes According To Plan – The Master One
By Conscious Reminder Georgiy Nikolaevich Sytin, a Russian scientist, with a PhD in medicine, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy, has developed a technique on self-realization with the help of your own will …
A Practical Generation Of Modern Day Relationships – Have We Forgotten How To Love? Or Worse, Forgotten What Love Is?
by Conscious Reminder Why is it so difficult to maintain a healthy relationship today? Why do we keep failing over and over again, when we put so much effort? Why have …
by Conscious Reminder Are you stuck with a man-child, or do you have the love of a mature man? How do you decide if the person you are dating is …
by Conscious Reminder Alpha Women are extremely strong and powerful because they are aware of their worth. When it comes to love, they won’t put up with complications. As an …