Home Consciousness The Art of Aging Gracefully: Living a Vibrant and Fulfilling Life as an Aging Adult

The Art of Aging Gracefully: Living a Vibrant and Fulfilling Life as an Aging Adult

by consciousreminder
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by Ainsley Lawrence,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Image Source: Unsplash

Many negative stereotypes and misconceptions are associated with getting older but don’t believe them.

When asked, many older adults cite their 50s as the best decade of their lives. Getting older can be a celebration of the life you’ve lived so far and the many exciting adventures to come. You can live longer and age gracefully along the way. You just need to change your mind frame and try new things.

Start With Inner Happiness and Mental Health

To live your best days through every year of your life, you need to be happy inside and continue to prioritize your mental health as you age. Find ways to eliminate negative energy in your life, cry when you’re emotional, and do your best not to compare yourself with others. It may seem like an older friend of yours has everything together and that they have a perfect life, but you should never assume because it will just make you feel worse.

Sometimes, positive mental health is more complicated than it seems when you’re older. Many people experience changes that can leave them upset about life. When we age, we’re more likely to experience sickness, side effects from medication, and the lack of support we had when we were younger.

Find solutions that fit your particular frame of mind. If you’re feeling hopeless or like you’ve got nowhere to turn, then speak to a counselor. If you always feel tired and burned out, change your bedtime routine to go to sleep earlier, and if you still can’t sleep soundly, speak to a physician and see if there’s an underlying issue.

Playing games and engaging in activities can improve your mental health and positive brain development as you age. You can try puzzles, math games, or the crossword daily to stay sharp. Also, get out of your comfort zone occasionally and try a challenging hobby that can engage your mind and memory, like going to the park, painting the gorgeous landscapes you see, or identifying plants and animals. You can also express yourself by learning a new dance or trying your hand at freewriting.

Get Social

It’s imperative to stay active and social as an aging adult, not just because you must keep your mental health in check but also because staying isolated is a one-way ticket to anxiety and depression.

Make a major effort to stay connected with your friends and family. Have group outings regularly so you have something to look forward to. Make it your mission to always talk to new people and try to make new friends whenever you’re out and about. It’s essential to have a diverse group of people you hang around with because they can teach you about life in new ways, and you can turn to them for advice and always get helpful feedback.

Don’t wait for people to invite you to places. Instead, make it reciprocal and try things they enjoy as well. Wait for everyone else to try to get you up and out of your comfort zone, then you may be waiting forever.

When you go out, try to make it a point to watch comedies and hang out with folks who make you laugh because you’ll feel good, and your problems can melt away. Laughing is also good for your physical health. The act increases your blood flow and reduces aches and pains. It even helps you to shed a few calories.

Stay Healthy for Longer

Exercise is the other key to staying healthy for as long as you live. It’s important to eat right, exercise, and practice mindfulness. It’s okay to eat the foods you love even if they aren’t healthy, but do so in moderation, or you could face severe health conditions down the road.

You need to balance your diet and mix in the healthy foods that help aging adults thrive, like vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Blueberries are one of the best foods for aging because they’re rich in anthocyanins, which fight signs of aging, and they have cognitive benefits that help with brain health. Blueberries also provide vitamin C, which helps your skin build collagen, a key ingredient in maintaining your skin’s elasticity.

Stay active, not only with your outdoor social engagements but also with an exercise regime. Try to wake up early and fit in about 20 minutes of cardio or light weights every morning, and you’ll set your body up for success and yourself up for the day. Another idea is to gather your friends and arrange walking groups where you go around the neighborhood, stretching your muscles and strengthening your heart while getting fresh air and companionship.

Also, it may not seem like your cup of tea right now, but consider mixing in some mindfulness activities with your workouts, like yoga poses and meditation. These gentle movements will keep the blood flowing. They’ll also leave you with time to think about your life and your happiness; it could be the perfect way to lighten up your mood for the day.

When you think about it, the equation for artful aging is really very simple. Try to stay social, fit in physical activity when time permits, and count your blessings, and you can live your best life for another 50 years.

About the Author: Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in balanced living through education and technology. She loves travelling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.

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