1. You’ll No Longer Be Afraid To Talk About Your Personal Struggles. What used to seem difficult and embarrassing will become easy and natural when you’re with the right person. You know they won’t …
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it …
Understand That Everything Natural Comes And Goes – Freedom Is When You Have Nothing To Lose!
During our lives, we tend to form many attachments to various types of things. Many of us are so attached to the physical world that we become enslaved and possessed …
Married or Single, You Have To Read This… It Will Leave You Shocked!
This story has stayed with me for years; it is somehow always in the back of my mind. It is a reminder that when you do get that rare gift …
The second Mercury retrograde 2017 cycle starts on April 9 at 4° Taurus and ends on May 3 at 24° Aries. Mercury retrograde April 2017 will cause some confusion and indecision about very …
Secrets For Sensitive People: Why Emotional Empaths Stay Lonely
Loneliness gets to some more than others. But why it hangs on isn’t always apparent when read by traditional medical eyes. In my medical practice and workshops I’ve been struck …
Looking for love in all the wrong places has left you wondering where to find your perfect partner. Your compatible zodiac mate is out there waiting for you to find …
by Kate Rose “And I’d choose you—in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” ~ Kiersten White I …
Even if you haven’t realized it, we have all been equipped with intuition, some people know it as the “gut feeling“. Our intuition is used basically to keep us safe …
Artist Suffering From Anxiety Illustrates The Real Monsters Lurking Behind Mental Illnesses
Toby Allen is an artist who suffers from a variety of mental illnesses, from anxiety to body dismorphic disorder. It’s no secret that mental illness is often poorly characterized in …