This holiday season might give off a keen déjà-vu vibe, as the year ends the same way it started: with a Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury, planet of thought and …
This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War. Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, …
My mother taught me never to give unsolicited advice, nor try to help anyone unless they ask you for it. I always thought that maybe she was just cold. As …
When a child goes to school there is a lot that we teach them. At first, we want them to learn to master reading, writing, and some basic arithmetic. Later, …
The fourth and final Mercury retrograde 2016 cycle starts on 19 December 2016 at 15° Capricorn and ends on 8 January 2017 at 28° Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde December 2016 to January 2017 is as intense as …
I am getting asked more often than I would like about what are the best crystals for cancer conditions. Cancer comes in many shapes and forms and different stones can …
10 Things You Learn From Being Raised By A Strong Mother: 1. You learn the value of independence. You don’t need a man to save you or anyone to take …
The Future Is Upon Us – This is What Americans Will Look Like by 2050
You might remember a while back when National Geographic focused on the future face of Americans. The strikingly beautiful woman who graced the cover of the eye-opening issue was preceded …
They will suck the life out of you. As a physician, I’ve found that the biggest energy drain is relationships. Some relationships are positive and mood-elevating. Others can suck optimism and …
The Ego-dominated mind plays its games in daily life, and creates the characters and scenarios necessary for the games. The content of such a scenario is determined by the individual’s …