by Conscious Reminder All sentient beings have an energy field called an aura that emanates from their bodies. It is thought that this subtle vibrational frequency energy field can reveal …
The Lucky Charm That Will Bring Each Zodiac Sign the Best of Luck
by Conscious Reminder Charms, Talismans or good luck pieces can be traced back to ancient times. We must remember though, that their popularity has not faded even today. There are …
5 Clear Signs That Your Life Is About to Do A ‘One-Eighty”
by Conscious Reminder There are times in our lives when we feel as though everything, including ourselves, is falling apart. During times like these, when we sense that there is no …
Emotional Freedom Technique: Using Tapping to Relieve Energy Blockages
by Conscious Reminder Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a unique mix of ancient Chinese acupressure and psychology. It is increasingly being used to remove phobias, clear …
7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Anyone, According to Hindu Philosophy
by Conscious Reminder For the people that are not really conscious of the Hinduism term, it is the individuals’ religious body, especially in the country of India. In fact, it is …
by Conscious Reminder Spirits are everywhere around us. There are times when we can notice them while there are also times when we can’t notice them. When a spirit tried to …
The Spiritual Meaning of Number 5: A Sign of Change
by Andy from, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Hello! Have you ever found the number 5 showing up frequently? You may see it on clocks, addresses, sports jerseys, or your favorite TV …
by Conscious Reminder Soulmates are those souls whose energies are bound to our own. More than a kindred spirit, soulmates share not just attitudes and personality traits, but goals, drives and …
Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Make Bad Decisions, But You Can Stop The Trend
by Conscious Reminder Humans are prone to make bad decisions because complete knowledge has been denied to them. They always make decisions based on their biases and flawed judgements. The consequences …
by Conscious Reminder We are surrounded by energy. Scents, sounds, colors, things, animals, and humans all contribute to its vibration. Despite our differences in terminology, we all communicate with one another …