by Conscious Reminder December skies deliver a blend of messages and emotions as the new moon graces Sagittarius. Through the ups and downs, let’s unite and support one another. On December …
Venus In Aquarius, December 2024: Openminded, Creative & Artistic
by Conscious Reminder The planet Venus is actually the ruler of desires, money, and relationships one-on-one. Given that Aquarius is a sign associated with friendships, it seems that its energy will …
Use These Crystals to Protect Yourself from the Effects of the Last Mercury Retrograde of the Year
by Conscious Reminder Oh, Mercury Retrograde: You’ve heard about it, you’ve dreaded it, and you’ve probably blamed it for everything. The holiday season is approaching fast! But this does not mean good …
Visionary Sagittarius New Moon, December 2024: Look Both Ways Before You Cross the Street
by Conscious Reminder The visionary Sagittarius new moon on December 1 encourages you to step outside your comfort zone. But, remember, always take a moment to look both ways before you …
December 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Powerful, But Peaceful End of the Year
by Conscious Reminder 2024 is wrapping up with a spectacular finale. This December 2024, we’re concluding the year with a thrilling crescendo, as the astrology unfolds with intensity from beginning to …
Sagittarius New Moon Ritual, December 2024: Honoring Your Accomplishments
by Conscious Reminder As we approach the final lunar cycle of 2024, it is a time ripe for introspection. This year has ushered in profound inner growth, prompting us to contemplate …
The Spiritual Significance of Thanksgiving: Expression of Gratitude!
by Conscious Reminder Image Source: Unsplash Gratitude and appreciation for the blessings and plenty in our lives, as well as acknowledging the divine forces that support and sustain us, are the …
Sagittarius New Moon: A Bittersweet Beginning
by Conscious Reminder Take a deep breath and embrace the refreshing energy of the Sagittarius 2024 New Moon as it flows through every part of your being. The upcoming New Moon …
Mercury Retrograde Is Back: You Have to Lose Yourself in Order to Find Yourself
by Conscious Reminder Should you find yourself adrift, embrace the journey of discovery rather than fixate on the destination. As the holiday season approaches and the year draws to a close, …
Sorry, But the Last Mercury Retrograde Might Disrupt Your Holiday Plans
by Conscious Reminder Attention, festive revelers! We have a crucial announcement that could impact your seasonal celebrations: Mercury is turning retrograde. If this feels like an unexpected interruption in your holiday …