by Conscious Reminder Meeting your twin flame is an extraordinary experience. Not only are they your soul’s exact counterpart, but you’ve already encountered them in a previous life, and you’ll reunite …
New Moon in Gemini June, 2024: Careful with the Potential Dark Twin
by Conscious Reminder Make it a double! As June commences, you might sense a palpable and powerful energy strongly associated with the start of summer. In 2024, the first week of …
Embrace the Truth: A Ritual for the Gemini New Moon in June
by Conscious Reminder On June 6, the new moon will be in Gemini. It is an alignment that will make us in tune with the truth. We are going to remove …
Gemini New Moon, June 2024: Protect What You Already Have
by Conscious Reminder The New Moon that will occur on June 6th, 2024 holds great potential for guiding the trajectory of your life. The New Moon in June signals a promising …
Mercury in Gemini 2024: Flip the Switch on Your Mental Lightbulb
by Conscious Reminder You’re about to feel sharper & smarter. If you’ve noticed a change in the atmosphere, with a heightened sense of curiosity and a slightly scattered energy, particularly in …
June Moons 2024: Gemini New Moon & Full Moon in Capricorn
by Conscious Reminder In June 2024, we can expect a New Moon in Gemini that will stimulate our mental abilities, followed by a Full Moon in Capricorn that will bring a …
Jupiter Trine Pluto: Embrace Your Creative Side
by Conscious Reminder On June 2, 2024, Jupiter will begin its transit trine Pluto. The previous occurrence of these two transformative forces in a trine aspect took place in 2016, with …
The Ideal Crystals to Fully Embrace the Energy of the Gemini Season
by Conscious Reminder Geminis have a remarkable ability to maximize their life experiences. They possess a highly adaptable and receptive mindset when it comes to various matters, fearlessly articulating their thoughts …
Jupiter in Gemini 2024-2025: Luck Could Change for the Better
by Conscious Reminder Today, May 25th, Jupiter, the planet known for its influence on luck, abundance, and our highest potential, will transition into the sign of Gemini. Because Jupiter moves through …
Venus Enters Gemini: Romance Is Light-Hearted & Flirty
by Conscious Reminder Venus, the Goddess of Love, enters the mutable air sign of Gemini. In Gemini, romance is lighthearted and flirty, with a tendency toward fickleness. During the period from …