Did you know that your dreams hold coded messages from your higher self and spirit guides? Learn how to decode your dreams with the following simple tools. What comes to …
MARCH 4TH – APRIL 15TH, 2017 13° ARIES – 26° PISCES “There are inevitable moments of “evil fate” [in relationships] since the intimate one opens the deepest wounds, and lovers, …
By Vandita | AnonHQ Is ignorance truly bliss? Most of us don’t know there’s a neurological correlation between being socially awkward and being highly intelligent. If ignorance is bliss, is intelligence a …
It’s easy to list what you find unappealing in a potential mate, but identifying the qualities that make someone desirable for the long haul is a slightly tougher task. What exactly …
While meditating earlier today, I experienced something of an epiphany, a powerful realization. I was doing my normal meditation thing, following the sensation of my breath as it flowed in …
Our Society Has The Same Symptoms As The Roman Empire Just Before The Fall: Is A Collapse Inevitable?
Are you worried about the society you live in today? Well, maybe you should be. “When you live in a false society that bases its wealth upon, then that society …
by Conscious Reminder Did you React Today? For sure, in one way shape or form, something or someone caused you to lose the plot, become emotional or in general just …
Everyone has psychic ability. Accepting this is the first step in harnessing your own powers. While this is generally a simple and well-understood concept, it gets a little more complicated …
I expect that some of you will be shocked at even the suggestion that ‘spirit guides’ cannot be trusted. If you are then I suspect that you wont even start …
by Isabella Greene, “A human being is part of a whole called by us the Universe. A part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as …