The once little known term called “The Mandela Effect” is now gaining momentum in the public eye. What on earth is going on? The task is not so much to see what …
Om (also spelled Aum) is a Hindu sacred sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable Om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in Sanskrit, the vowels a and u …
Tibetan tradition holds that death unfolds in eight stages. During each stage a different physical and spiritual element of the person dissolves or melts, leaving an apparent nothingness at the …
Empaths, let’s all agree on one thing – I really think that it is a challenge for Empaths to stay grounded as they’re constantly being bombarded with a real mix …
It is believed that the origin of the Native American dream catcher (or Indian dream catchers) is from the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe. The Ojibwa would tie strands of sinew string around a …
Can We Reprogram Our DNA And Heal Ourselves With Frequency, Vibration & Energy?
As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute have …
This is the fascinating way that your brain makes space to build new and stronger connections so you can learn more. There’s an old saying in neuroscience: “neurons that fire …
During our spiritual journey we accumulate a vast amount of knowledge of the world. From the books read, lectures heard and conversations we try to pick the useful and interesting bits of …
DAN TIEN: The ‘Field Of Elixir’ Is More Important To Spirituality Than The Pineal Gland
It is commonly held that the pineal gland is the ‘seat of the soul,’ a meta-physical portal of sorts that is believed to play an important role in conscious awareness and spiritual experience. …
Have you ever asked yourself: What my spirit does when I’m not sleeping? The fact of the matter is, you are entering a new world when you sleep. You descend the spiral …