by Conscious Reminder There is news for the earth warriors- Lightworker portals have opened up. These portals of frequencies higher than normal go into the fifth dimension and beyond. They are …
by Conscious Reminder Every year around the 8th of August (8th month), our planet, the Sun, and Sirius align to bring us great abundance. The veil between the spiritual and …
by Conscious Reminder Use Gateway of 8-8 to awaken the Celestial Light Codes! Each year the Earth, the Galactic Centre (Sagittarius in 27 degrees) and Sirius, the star, are aligned. This …
by Conscious Reminder Use Gateway of 8-8 to awaken the Celestial Light Codes! Each year the Earth, the Galactic Centre (Sagittarius in 27 degrees) and Sirius, the star, are aligned. This …
by Conscious Reminder There is news for the earth warriors- Lightworker portals have opened up. These portals of frequencies higher than normal go into the fifth dimension and beyond. They …
Integrating The Cosmic Light Codes Of Awakening with the 8-8 Gateway! The 888 Lions Gate Activation
Every year on August 8th, there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lion’s Gate.” The Lions Gate is when Earth metaphysically (and maybe physically I’m honestly not sure) aligns with the …
Applied Epigenetics: The Art And Science Of DNA Activation, Healing & Repair
The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy Einstein, Tesla, and the science of quantum physics have shown us that the fabric of the Universe is composed of vibrational …
by Morag 444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up …
7 Ways To Trigger The Heart Field – The Most Powerful Healing Force There Is
Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that …
We see this fairly often: a person goes through an intense spiritual or transcendent experience, and afterwards they begin having some very strange things happen to them. They may start …