by Frank M. Wanderer, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Image source: In New Age spirituality, “starseeds” are individuals who believe their souls originate from other star systems or galaxies. According to this …
by Conscious Reminder These souls came to Earth to do a certain task. Their real home are the distant parts of the Universe. Most of these souls are involved in helping …
by Conscious Reminder The Arcturians are those that taught every star system to be more advanced. Firstly, they began with the star system of the planet Mars that has been considerably …
by Conscious Reminder Ever read the wonderful poem called The Iliad? Well, for one read it because it’s the best, but also read it because it is probably the earliest …
There are two distinctive types of people upon planet Earth, at this time – Starseeds and Star Terrans. Starseeds from the Pleiades for example, are very gentle, easy going and …
Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to …
I have been called repeatedly to write this article, but I kept putting it on the back burner, until the timing was right. That timing has come, Dear Ones! I …
Do you sometimes feel like ET trying to call home? Not sure why you are here but know you have a mission? Feel different and confused? ‘Starseed, volunteer, lightworker’ describe …
Narrated by Morgan Freeman MORE WAS NEVER ENOUGH “I’m eighty-six years old and sadly I’m basically sitting on my deathbed. I have millions of dollars in the bank but I …