Home Consciousness How Each Zodiac Sign’s Luck Improves When Mercury Retrograde Finally Ends

How Each Zodiac Sign’s Luck Improves When Mercury Retrograde Finally Ends

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Mercury retrograde ended yesterday, May 14, 2023, and the fortunes of each zodiac sign will begin to improve.

When Mercury goes retrograde, we tend to overthink things, but it is counterproductive to keep going over our problems or worrying about how life will catch up with us.

You owe it to yourself and your dreams to follow the call of the wild. In honor of Mercury’s retrograde ending, embrace the lessons, joy, and lucky moments that come your way this month.

The delay caused by the Eclipse Portal at the beginning of May is also behind us as the dust settles from Mercury retrograde. Now that you’ve been infused with Taurus energy, you can better understand why everything had to happen the way it did. You can now see that, while it may not have happened the way you wanted it to, you can understand why it had to.

It is time, however, to embrace the future you are creating, one paved with confidence and hope that you have arrived at this point not by chance, but by fate.

How each zodiac sign’s luck improves when Mercury Retrograde ends, starting May 14, 2023:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)  

Best day after Mercury ends: Saturday, May 20th

Think big and bold, and don’t let anything stand in your way of achieving your goals. This month, you will be filled with more self-assurance, allowing you to stop second-guessing what you are most drawn to.

Challenges will seem more manageable now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, and life will feel lighter. A big part of this is Mars moving into Leo, another fire sign, reminding you to listen to your heart and remember that life should bring you happiness.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Monday, May 16th

On May 16, 2023, Jupiter enters your zodiac sign, providing a much-needed boost to your life on many levels. You will attract more success in your life if you become more comfortable with change. However, after Mercury retrograde ends, there may be changes in your profession.

You have drawn this into your life because you are signaling that you are ready for it, that you will no longer avoid the path leading to your best life but will eagerly take the first step. As Pluto enters Aquarius, it prepares you for some divine upheavals as you embrace what you love so that it can return the favor.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Monday, May 14th

Mercury goes direct on May 14th, providing you with powerful insights. There are numerous ways to approach a new venture or project in life. But there is only one truth that is always yours. This is not to dismiss the belief in multiple truths, but rather to emphasize that deep within your intuition, you always know what is meant for you; it is simply a matter of trusting it.

Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius, assisting you to let go of whatever is keeping you from feeling like you’re stepping into the light of luck. Remember that you are embarking on a massive life upgrade, and enjoy every minute of it. Not everything can accompany you.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Monday, May 19th

On May 19th, Venus trines Saturn, which brings you something you want more than anything else in your life: stability. You deserve to live a full life and to feel deeply connected to everything you do, including your relationships and profession.

You deserve a life that doesn’t feel like it’s holding you back and that is there for you no matter what season you’re in. When Pluto, the lord of the underworld, enters its first retrograde in Aquarius, expect some big waves of transformation that will allow you to feel more confident in the changes you are making and what will continue to grow alongside you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Friday, May 19th

Sometimes it appears that nothing is happening, while other times it appears that everything is happening. Remember to stay balanced as many changes occur in your life because it is all for the best. Not only is your love life improving, but your professional life is also giving you a greater sense of purpose.

The New Moon in Taurus thrust you into the spotlight at the start of your career. Whether it is a position or a new perspective, embrace everything with hope and joy. Look for the positive and remember that while it may appear that everything is happening all at once, it has been in the works for years as you grew into finally receiving it.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Friday, May 19th

When you think of luck, you often think of being able to make things look a certain way, as this is also how you define safety. However, your plans for your life do not always match those of the universe.

You can be more confident in speaking your truth, allowing yourself to take on new risks and opportunities. Do not feel bound by success that only appears in one way. Instead, recognize when the universe is giving you a boost and don’t be afraid to take it.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Sunday, May 21st

Life is made up of various shades of grey. Even if you are a black-and-white thinker, there is more to life than meets the eye. While part of this is simply believing that others see the world in the same way you do, another aspect is your internal safety in knowing the rules of life.

However, considering multiple possibilities and seeing multiple truths allows you to discover what works best for you. Allow yourself to consider all possibilities as Gemini Season begins with the Sun’s return to this dynamic zodiac sign. Do not dismiss anything for the time being because there is an opportunity here that can help open your mind and your life.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Sunday, May 27th

On May 27th, 2023, Venus begins to separate from Pluto’s destructive energy. Love does make the world go round, but you must also love what you do. Instead of focusing on what living expansively and abundantly means for others, it is time to focus on what it means for you.

Lean into the luck that occurs when you step outside of your comfort zone and discover something new and unique that you enjoy — this changes your life. It does not always have to be horrible or painful. You also develop a deeper love for yourself during this process as you validate that you were never insane but were simply learning who you are.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Saturday, May 20th

There are always options, but not all of them will lead to the same place. It is not a gift simply because it is brought to you. It can also be a lesson or a test from the universe. To choose correctly and in alignment with the self you want to become, you must be more aware of your options and what you invest in.

This month, Mars enters Leo, opening up new possibilities in your life, but you must listen to your heart to make the necessary decisions. This is the place where there is no doubt or fear, only hope and optimism that everything will always work out as it should.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Friday, May 19th

Life is supposed to be balanced, but sometimes it is necessary to lose balance in order to achieve another. Instead of allowing this to throw you off balance or make you feel like you’ve failed, consider it an act of balance in and of itself. Balance changes and evolves based on what you require. If work or self-improvement dominated your attention last month, this month is for a return to joy.

Make more room for what and who you care about. Invite more time for play and experiencing life without feeling guilty, even if it includes rest. Allowing yourself to embrace what you feel most drawn to, even if it is simply enjoying what you have already created, is part of creating a successful life.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Friday, May 27th

Venus will align with Uranus, your ruling planet, and Pluto, allowing you to see things clearly. Your profession is an outward manifestation of yourself. It is more than just a job; it tracks your development and life progress. It is an opportunity to embrace more of who you have become rather than reminisce about who you were.

The Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse this month is aimed at this area of your life, assisting you to let go of something that has come full circle and step into a new way of being or even seeing your career. Some of the most dramatic changes occur within, and when you honor and even celebrate this, you truly embrace who you have become.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

Best day after Mercury ends: Friday, May 5th

Everything has a season, including your growth. It is an opportunity to exchange those darker days for those filled with more light, and to make decisions from a more healed place within yourself. New opportunities will emerge everywhere as the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs.

This is your opportunity to take the dedication you’ve shown to your goals to the next level. These opportunities will help you grow, not overwhelm you. Consider everything in terms of abundance, and you will be able to finally choose the path, not just of luck, but also of purpose.

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