Home Consciousness Follow These Dos & Don’ts to Fully Channel the Sensible Vibes of September’s New Moon in Virgo

Follow These Dos & Don’ts to Fully Channel the Sensible Vibes of September’s New Moon in Virgo

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Today’s New Moon, September 2 (or 3, depending on your time zone), will be blessing us as we prepare for the upcoming Eclipse season.

September is a time for new beginnings, so utilize this Virgo New Moon to be prepared. The Universe is all set to materialize our intentions with almost half the solar system aligned.

This New Moon’s auspicious timing serves as our starting point for the coming months. We can channel its power to consider our goals, intentions, and what we want to cultivate as we approach the finish line in 2024.

Three planets are retrograde, and all of the outer planets are active in the skies around the Virgo New Moon. All of this energy may make us feel a little unsettled in our being.

So do the following: avoid what’s been advised, and you’ll be all set to succeed in the coming months!

The biggest DOS during September’s New Moon in Virgo:

DO: Get Out of the Comfort Zone

With all the opportunities waiting just around the corner, what is the use of you refusing to leave your favorite comfort zone? Go out and enjoy yourself. Have you always wanted to travel alone but never taken the initiative? Want to learn salsa but don’t have a partner? Forget the buts and go ahead alone. The more you explore, the happier and richer you’ll feel.

DO: Balance Your Life

Virgo season is here to make us responsible and diligent, but a balance must be there for a happy life. While you keep progressing in your career, take this New Moon period to relax. Make time for family and friends. Have fun and be better prepared to carry out your responsibilities later.

Do: Give Time to Inner Wok

New moons have everything to do with reflection and recharging, according to astrology. So, take the time to explore and learn more about your shadow self, or the part of you that is vulnerable. You can also work on areas such as communication and getting rid of undesirable habits (like procrastination). Try journaling and meditation.

DO: Carry Clear Quartz with You

Whether you believe it or not, carrying a crystal on you won’t hurt, right? Utilize this New Moon period to surround your home with the increased powers of crystals. Clear Quartz is the choice of the season, so put one in your bag too!

Do: Tidy Up Your Space

Take this lunation as a chance to freshen up your sanctuary. If you have any clothes and other stuff that you do not use anymore, donate them. Clear the room so that new things can come in. Deep cleaning your space will foster serenity and clarity.

The biggest DON’T’S during September’s New Moon in Virgo:

DON’T: Be Shy in Romantic Attempts

For the ones waiting to start over their romantic life, this is a perfect time. Be it a committed relationship or just a summer fling, the choices made now won’t hurt in the future.

The only thing you have to remember is to not be shy when the Universe presents you with these romantic opportunities. Things are better than what they appear to be initially.

DON’T: Let Your Fears Hold You Captive

This is the time to conquer your fears. Otherwise, these fears will continue to shape and limit your future. As the Moon shines its light on you, utilize the energy to face your fears boldly. Expand your horizons; new opportunities are waiting.

DON’T: Neglect Health

Virgo is about more than just work responsibilities; it also includes health, fitness, and routine. So, this New Moon is a wonderful time to revamp your diet or even your fitness routine. Go for that health checkup you’ve been avoiding and make your exercise routine as enjoyable as you like.

DON’T: Think Your Goals Are Too Big

The Virgo New Moon will help you become more detail-oriented and focused on your goals. If things seem too overwhelming, break them into shorter, achievable tasks. Set fixed time periods to achieve these smaller goals, which will ultimately help you achieve your bigger dreams. One day at a time, and you can do it!

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