by Conscious Reminder You begin the new year by making your feelings known. As we near the end of 2023 and the final Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius of the year, …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, December 29, 2023: Truth Is the Goal
by Conscious Reminder As the saying goes, honesty is the name of the game. On December 29, 2023, Venus will begin her journey into Sagittarius, leaving Scorpio behind. Both the …
Jupiter Is Turning Direct: Your Luck Is About to Change
by Conscious Reminder Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, began moonwalking on September 4 and will turn direct on December 30. Jupiter is symbolic of luck and expansion. …
12/31/23, the Last Day of the Year: Numerology & Date Meaning
by Conscious Reminder To attract prosperity, you might want to try a manifestation ritual. A magical event will occur on December 31, 2023! Aside from being the last day of …
12/31/23 Portal: Best Day to Manifest Your Dreams & Wishes for 2024
by Conscious Reminder On December 31st, 2023, the 12/31/23 Portal will open to assist you in obtaining your 2024 wishes. Numerology uses the date 12/31/23 to signify the end of …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, December 28, 2023: Find the Courage to Face Your Fears
by Conscious Reminder The energy is poignant. Even if the holidays have passed, this is still the time of year to give and receive. Tell me how you’re putting this …
Chiron Direct in Aries, December 2023: A Healing Star in Motion
by Conscious Reminder On December 26, 2023, just a few hours after the full moon in Cancer, Chiron completes its retrograde motion, which has lasted for five months, and begins …
by Conscious Reminder A trine is one of the five most important aspects that are considered in astrology. Most people believe that trines are advantageous or convenient. For the most …
Reveal Your True Self with The Arrival of Venus in Sagittarius
by Conscious Reminder As if that weren’t bad enough, the planets have decided to throw another wrench into our astrological plans for 2023. On December 29, right before the New …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, December 27, 2023: Unexpected Changes
by Conscious Reminder Because of Mercury and Mars, the cosmic forces are working in our favor. Find some time to end the year on a positive note as the conclusion …