Home Consciousness Chiron Direct in Aries, December 2023: A Healing Star in Motion

Chiron Direct in Aries, December 2023: A Healing Star in Motion

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On December 26, 2023, just a few hours after the full moon in Cancer, Chiron completes its retrograde motion, which has lasted for five months, and begins to move forward once more in the sign of Aries, where it has been since 2018 and will remain until 2027.

What does Chiron represent in Astrology?

Chiron is a relatively young asteroid that astronomers and astrologers have only been studying since its discovery in 1977. On the other hand, Chiron has a wealth of mythological knowledge that can help us make sense of this minor planet.

Chiron was the legendary hero who healed those who were injured. As an adult, the centaur Chiron felt unloved and unwanted because his mother had left him when he was a baby. But his journey is a powerful one; after he strengthened himself, he started instructing legendary Greek heroes in combat. Even though he was wounded, or maybe it was because of them, he forge his own path to power.

An arrow lacerated with poison wounded him unintentionally one day. He studied and eventually became an expert in a number of healing modalities as a natural response to the agony. While he was unable to cure his own wound, he learned so much that he started teaching the gods how to heal themselves.

The ‘Wounded Healer’ moniker came from Chiron’s rise to fame as a potent teacher, psychic, healer, and philosopher on a global scale.

One possible interpretation of Chiron’s role in our lives, according to evolutionary astrology, is that we carry wounds or karma from previous lives with us into this one.

According to psychological astrology, it is seen as a result of a childhood wound. Regardless, Chiron can be a symbol of a deep wound, but his story also reveals that he can be a gateway to profound wisdom, healing, compassion, and worth. “The wound is where the light enters,” remarked the renowned Persian poet Rumi.

Within the zodiac, Chiron serves as a healer.

What we find in our pain is not just pain but also medicine, wisdom, lessons, compassion, and knowledge.

Chiron Direct in Aries, December 2023

We were invited into reflection and inner contemplation around those inner hurts while Chiron has been in retrograde since July 2023. These are the areas of our lives that possess the potential to feel like a sensitive and tender spot. We are all covered by them.

In order for us to begin to see these hurts from a different perspective, we were invited to bring compassion to ourselves through this inner reflection, to tend to ourselves with softness and curiosity, and to frame our connection with and narrative of these spaces within us in a different way.

We are encouraged to take a more proactive approach to our healing as Chiron completes its direct station on December 26, 2023, and begins to move forward once more. The focus shifts from being reflective to being active, as well as from one’s own thoughts to those of others.

We are provided with additional energy and courage to be with what is rightfully ours to be with as we move forward. The wisdom, medicine, and strength that are available within these tender spaces of ourselves are made available to us in a more direct manner.

According to mythology, Chiron was not only the one who was injured, but he was also the one who taught, healed, was a mystic, and was a wise man. It was he who served as the guide and the philosopher for everyone around him. In the process of tending to his wounds, he began his studies of medicine and various healing modalities. As a result, he gained access to the knowledge that would be passed down throughout the lands for many years to come.

As Chiron resumes its forward movement, we are reminded of the fact that our own unique medicine can be discovered within the caves of our own individual pains. There is no one else who has lived their life in the same way that you have, and no one has traveled the same path that you have. You are the only person who can administer the medicine that is contained within your life.

Because we are in the realm of Aries, these invitations come to us so that we can tend to the development of our inner courage, the reclaiming of our individual selves, our one-of-a-kind path, our desires, and our willpower. This is an invitation to seize the space that is rightfully ours, to channel a greater portion of our energy into our sense of self-identity, and to assert with self-assurance the path that we are pursuing in our lives.

It is as if we are given the gift of knowing that we are okay, that we have the courage to continue, that we have the strength within ourselves, and that we are able to stand tall. This is the new sense of vitality that we are offered in the way that we relate to the hurts that are located within our bodies.

In addition to the fact that this movement in our skies contains a great deal of medicine and healing, it also possesses a certain beauty.

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