by Conscious Reminder There’s something in the air: the essence of spring. Aside from the abundance of pollen, this season provides an opportunity to enthusiastically emerge from your winter stupor and …
by Conscious Reminder Exploring the Universal Law, it will become apparent and obvious that such laws are actually present in each of the aspects of our life, coming to the surface …
Speak With Love, Because Your Words Can Literally Restructure Your Brain
by Conscious Reminder Choosing the words which we would like to use may change our brain literally. One neuroscientist at the University Thomas Jefferson, named Dr. Andrew Newberg, and an expert …
How Will The Pink Moon In Libra, 2023, Affect The Zodiac Signs?
by Conscious Reminder In April 2023, the pink moon will be in Libra (the seventh sign of the zodiac). Libra, an air sign, is ruled by commitment, partnerships, and togetherness and …
by Conscious Reminder The life in the physical form of human body is soul. The reality and explanation of soul is the most discussed yet unanswered mystery of philosophy. Spiritualism though …
by Conscious Reminder Every person has the so-called psychic or paranormal abilities; however, in a lot of them, they are weaker, and because of that they cannot be detected or have …
Major Dos And Don’ts To Help You Make The Most Of The April Full Moon
by Conscious Reminder The pink full moon will appear on April 6 at 12:37 a.m. ET. The first full moon of the spring, as Luna enters Libra, is sure to be …
by Conscious Reminder Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. You’ve gone a long way to be where you are now. You been through so much pain that you …
by Conscious Reminder Empaths are the most energy-sensitive people on earth. They are unique, intuitive, and often influenced by the actions of others. Many have learned over the years of their …
by Conscious Reminder A lot of people are probably thinking about why the twin flame relationship feels like some kind of obsession. A number of people develop this kind of profoundly-rooted …