The system of Celtic tree astrology greatly differs from the North American zodiac signs we typically write about. This type of astrology was created by Druids, members of the high-ranking …
Experience is the product of the mind, the spirit, conscious thoughts and feelings, and unconscious thoughts and feelings. These together form the reality that we know. We are hardly at …
Programming the subconscious The subconscious is perhaps the most defining factor for a human being. The fact that it is always on, makes it one long uninterrupted recording of a …
For my new-age junkie friends, and also for those of you who are new to Eastern Philosophy, almost every person goes through one or more karmic relationships during their lifetime. …
by Tanaaz The June Super New Moon falls on the 24th in the watery, intuitive and nurturing sign of Cancer. The Moon feels at home in the sign of Cancer, …
What is the role of imagination in matters of ultimate concern? This is one of the top issues in the spiritual life and certainly in religion: many religious and even …
by Conscious Reminder Plenty of people get zodiac tattoos to show-off their sun signs as well as for the love of this art form in general. While it is fun …
When it comes to Lightworkers and identifying which one you are, know that it’s highly likely that you’ll embody many of these traits. Pay attention to your inner guidance. Trust …
Sitting across the table from my friend, I could clearly see the disfiguring scars that traveled up and down the side of her face. It was about 25 years ago but …
As we have recently reached critical mass and have affected the false light grid, we will begin to see more and more people for who they really are, or are …