There are relationships that just don’t work out. No matter how much you try or how much effort you put into them, the chemistry just isn’t there. It can …
by Jeff Street One of the things that I’ve noticed that seems to happen to many people early in their spiritual awakening is they become hyper-aware of all the lies, …
Some people have heard about the Law of Attraction (LOA) and have tried to use it to their advantage, but have not had the success they are looking for. Often, …
The Math Of Time Travel Revealed: Scientists Say We Can Travel In Time
According to a new study, time travel is—mathematically speaking—possible. A researcher has concluded that space should NOT be divided into three dimensions—where time is separated. Instead, four dimensions need to …
What does your zodiac sign say about your work-style and which careers are you suited to? Also, what are your hidden talents and unexpected career options? :: Aries Art: Salvadorova …
Numerology, as the name implies is the basic universal language of numbers. We can uncover information about the whole universe, as well as every individual by breaking down the patterns …
Super New Moon In Gemini 25 May 2017: Mother Moon Is Always On Our Side, We Just Have To Trust
The potent Super New Moon falls in the air sign of Gemini on May 25th, 2017. This Super New Moon is going to bring the start of a new cycle, …
On This Day In History: Clearing Millennia Of Stigmatism About What Love Is
by Conscious Reminder I am reminded today, of all days, a day and time in my own life, when I truly connected with pure love energy of two incredible souls. …
Recently, more people have appreciated the concept of the twin flame and what happens when you meet your twin flame. Twin Flames Fill a Void They fill a void that …
Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves. In doing this, they have also cut themselves off …