There is no clear line dividing science fiction and reality. If we can think it, we can create it, and so the world becomes a stranger and more interesting place …
Synchronicity exists everywhere but we seldom recognize it for what it is. Here are some of the most common synchronicities to help you understand “what is meant to be”. Ever been to …
We constantly fool ourselves into believing what we already believe is true, is true. We create our reality and then let it control us. We do not see life as …
Love doesn’t destroy us. A lack of love Destroys us. Narcissism is the antithesis of love. How? Here are 5 Ways Narcissism prevents Love in relationships: 1. YOU CAN’T HAVE A …
By Rebecca Dawson If you have managed to relieve yourself of any internal desire to be a survivor, then for you this period is very interesting because it is about …
Just like all human beings, the zodiac signs have a light and a dark side. They aren’t simple or basic things, rather very complex and complicated at the core. The …
He’s Not Your Forever Person Unless He Actually Puts Effort Into These 11 Things
LADIES, DO YOU AGREE? 1. He makes an effort into planning out your dates. He knows that date night is important to you and that you deserve more than just …
Spiritual awakening is always a surprise. As many of you already know, I speak of awakening as the spontaneous shift from unconsciousness to consciousness. But the light of awareness doesn’t …
by Andye Murphy WHAT IS THE THIRD EYE? The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. …
Have you ever met someone who you thought was just so nice when you first met them? They seemed funny, genuine and likable, and a friendship began to form. But …