Home Consciousness Happiness Is a Journey, Not a Destination

Happiness Is a Journey, Not a Destination

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

We expect our lives to get better when we turn 18, when we get married, when we get a better job, when we have a child…

Then we feel tired because our children are growing up, and we believe that we will be happier when they are a bit older.

As they become more independent, puberty sets in, leading us to complain about how difficult it is to deal with teenagers. However, once this stage passes, it will become easier.

Then we say that our lives will be better when we finally buy a bigger apartment and a better car, when we can afford to go on vacation or, even, to retire.

The truth is, there won’t ever be a perfect moment to be happy. If not now, when? It seems that living in the moment is the best way to live! There will always be one problem, one unfinished business, and one unpaid debt to solve urgently on your journey, and then life will begin.

If we examine these issues more closely, we discover that they are limitless. They are what life is made of. They help us to see that there is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.

We should appreciate every moment, especially when we share it with our dear ones, and remember that time doesn’t stand still.

Do not wait to finish school or start college, to lose five pounds, to get kids, to go to school, marry, or divorce; do not wait for the New Year, spring, fall, or winter, next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, or the moment when you die, to be happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Work like you don’t need money, love it as if nobody ever hurts you, and dance like no one can see you.

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