By Mateo Sol Most of us define a Soul Mate as a perfect romantic partner that will fulfill every aspect of our being. Soul Mates are in sync with us, …
When I first heard the term “time crystal,” the science fiction geek in me reached out to the universe to confirm that something so cool could actually exist. And the …
10 Signs You Are Experiencing A Recalibration Of Your Mind-Body-Soul System
As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyper dimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being. This activation of cellular restructuring, a quantum make …
The DARK Truth: They Diagnose Indigo Children With ADHD To Stop Them From Evolving
Throughout history, the rich elite has coined a variety of methods for thwarting the advancement and evolution of humankind. However, one of their most nefarious methods yet could be the …
As I sat to read the energy of May, it was clear that the energy of April (and June) are very inter-related. They are always connected, of course; it’s not …
THOSE TOP 37 THINGS YOU’LL REGRET WHEN YOU’RE OLD. 1. Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a …
60 Hours of Meditation in 5 Days: How The Whole World Became The Black Mirror of My Ego
This body’s existence is like a bubble’s may as well accept what happens events and hopes seldom agree but who can step back doesn’t worry we blossom and fade like …
Vintage optical illusions are among the most interesting ones to look at and the one below is no exception. Somewhere in the reddish-brown and black colored drawing lies a hidden …
The Full Moon on Wednesday May 10, 2017 is at 20° Scorpio. The Full Moon May 2017 astrology is both powerful and fortunate. A well placed Pluto allows for a positive transformation to occur …
Highly sensitive people have been labeled a lot of ways in the past, like fragile, over-emotional and intense. But there’s more to a highly sensitive person than just excess crying …