What is the difference between awareness and consciousness? How are the two concepts interlinked? Keep reading to find out about the hidden secrets of the universe! Imagine yourself in the …
Spontaneous Healing: Activating Our Self-Healing Powers
Spontaneous healing: The human body has self-healing capabilities. Here’s how to activate them. The term Self-healing, indicates the autonomous process of the human body that tends to safeguard the very …
You read about your Zodiac Sign each day. Now read about your pets! Aries March 21–April 20 Aries is the first of the fire signs; it represents the springtime of …
In the Picatrix or an ancient magical grimoire, a variety of rituals and spells are laid out that teach the user how to use and obtain cosmic energy. By utilizing …
Are you an empath? Do you feel like a sponge absorbing all the energy from people around you? This could be good or bad energy but nonetheless harmful to our …
Could It Be Choice or Synchronicities? We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, …
Dear Son and/or Daughter, If you’re reading this, you just turned 18. Wow, time flies! It seems like yesterday you didn’t even exist. And that’s because yesterday you didn’t actually …
11 Plants Native Americans Use to Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain to Cancer)
The Cherokee are a Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. They believe that the Creator has given them a gift of understanding and preserving medicinal …
April New Moon In Taurus: A Shift In Our Personal Values & Sense Of Self
The April New Moon falls on the 26th in the earth sign of Taurus, which will bring a fresh new energy. April has been an interesting month because of the …
Giant Hole In The Sun Will Send Super-Charged Winds To Earth. Here’s What To Expect.
Coronal holes on the Sun are constantly changing. They are caused by the Sun’s magnetic fields, which arch away from areas in the Sun’s corona that have become thin due …