by Tanaaz The September 22nd Equinox is the turning point of the year, the halfway point on the cycle through the stars. The September 2017 Equinox is marked with the Sun …
20 Common Things People Realize When They Quit Drinking Alcohol
by Sofia Adamson Of all the culturally conditioned behaviors we’ve mindlessly adopted, alcoholism is one of the most curious. We know it is highly detrimental to personal health and that it …
by Conscious Reminder The twin flame bond is like Yin and Yang. They complement each other’s energy, but they have different polarities. Although they are mirror images, their qualities are opposite. …
There are two distinctive types of people upon planet Earth, at this time – Starseeds and Star Terrans. Starseeds from the Pleiades for example, are very gentle, easy going and …
There is a mistaken belief among many in the spiritual community that to be “good,” “spiritual,” or “holy,” one must hold their hands together in steadfast prayer and accept all …
Being in a relationship has taught me the value of the most important thing, which is even above love and personal space and i.e. ‘compatibility’. There are times, when even …
16 Spiritual Signs Your Soul Is Ready To Transcend To Higher Realms Of Existence
We are all spiritual beings. As we evolve and raise our consciousness, our spiritual awakening heightens. In this awakening process, how fast or how slow we go is of no …
by Deane Thomas, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Amazing energies continue to sweep across the globe, despite what many are feeling or saying to the contrary. Reaching that place of balance really does …
Have You Been Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms Since The Eclipse & Full Moon?
By JOE MARTINO On September 6 we had a Full Moon in Pisces, which seemed to many like a gasp of relief after what was an intense prior few months. These …
by Conscious Reminder In this material world, which is full of consumerism and advertisements, being spiritually awakened is a rare phenomenon. It is so rare that the people who are …