Since the beginning of time human societies have frequently had someone in charge. From tribal chiefs to kings to democratic presidents, there has almost always been a ‘boss‘. Although comforting to …
The Lunar Eclipse falls on August 7th in the sign of Aquarius, and will be shaking up your life so you can make some much needed changes. August is definitely one …
The 5 Stages Of Intimacy (And Why You Need To Know Where You Are)
by Zoe Hicks, LMFT All those ups and downs are leading to something. Could it be love? We’ve all heard of the five stages of grief according to the Kübler-Ross model: denial, anger, …
How Can You Tell If You’re Being Spiritually Guided? 15 Discernment Tools
by Lissa Rankin I’m in Boulder, Colorado right now with Trevor Hart, leading a Sounds True event about trusting the invisible forces of love to guide you in your life. Yesterday, we …
How To Survive The Runner & Chaser Phase Of The Twin Flame Connection.
No matter how hard we try, we can’t outrun what is truly meant for us. What is known as the twin flame relationship is, for many of us, occurring more and more frequently as …
by Conscious Reminder It is a wonderful day for shining brightly and sharing the beautiful loving energy we possess. For some, it may seem hard to muster at the moment, …
August is a turning point month that is going to bring rapid growth and change. From August onwards, time is going to feel like its moving faster and we are …
Horoscope August 2017: What Is August Bringing For Each Zodiac Sign
This is what the month of August is expected to bring for each zodiac sign: ARIES – the month of creativity – The creative aspect is felt all around, and …
3 Truths That Come To Light When You Expand Your Consciousness
“What you are seeking is seeking you” – Rumi I knew that I always liked this quote, without really knowing why. To be honest, for the longest time I never …
The lunar eclipse on Monday August 7, 2017 is at 15° Aquarius. The lunar eclipse August 2017 astrology is a mixed bag of demanding and easy aspects. Jupiter square Pluto has a …