There are people who, even though love each other, are not meant to be together. That’s because there are some zodiac signs that are not compatible with each other. Sorry …
Uranus Retrograde In Aries 2017 – The Astrological Achilles’ Heel
Uranus is the astrological Achilles’ heel of Mystery Babylon and on August 2nd of 2017 it will enter retrograde orbit at 28° Aries. The timeline master of our zodiac will soon be …
Visibility in films is important. In a world where culture is greatly influenced by films and television, it is great to find validation of who you are and where you …
Chakras are subtle energy centers within the physical body structure that have been perceived by yogis and clairvoyants since ancient history. We have 7 main chakras that spread along our …
Uranus Stations Retrograde In Aries August 3, 2017 – Intensifying Deeply Buried Karmic Fears
by Conscious Reminder This Uranian Retrograde cycle starts on August 3, at 28° Aries, and lasts all the way through 2017, ending with the direct station on January 2, 2018 (24 degrees). Uranus is the …
by Conscious Reminder These past few days have been an incredible eye opener, and perhaps for some a little too much. How many are ready to jump off the train …
“Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.” – Eskimo Saying When you lose …
Manifest Your Desires By Following These 2 Simple Steps
Wouldn’t you love to know the secret to getting what you really want? If you sometimes feel like your dreams are elusive, it could be that you’re missing a little …
When you meet someone and all the stars align into one huge (or many delightful) orgasms and your skin is glowing like you’re lit up from the inside, you’ve met …
You are standing in the center of a very chatty universe that is ready to engage. Everything that you encounter is a part of you and you are part of …