Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of you just struggling through life, relying solely on luck and chance, you could actually tap into your inner powers and the universal energies, …
We often think to ourselves that playing it safe is a smart bet. To play it safe, many of us take the job with the good benefits, drive the car …
The Orthorhombic System of Minerals Do you find it easy to go along with the choices others’ make? Are you the happiest when you are taking care of those you …
If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs You Have Successfully Merged Your Darkness and Light
by Conscious Reminder We are made up of both light and darkness, this meaning we must maintain a balance of the two in order to achieve inner peace. We generally …
by Tanaaz The July 23rd New Moon falls in the fiery sign of Leo and will be a mixed bag of tricks. Approach everything over the next few weeks with curiosity …
The Synchronicity Is Really Strong At The Moment, Who Is Feeling It?
By Luke Miller Truth Theory This year has felt like an uphill battle since the start of January, it was an intense few months in November and December, but as soon …
Reoccurring Feelings That Each Zodiac Sign Experiences
Do you ever have the same reoccurring feeling or emotion over and over and over and over again? Perhaps it’s a quality that’s shared by other’s with your zodiac sign. It …
When one becomes enlightened, laughter is almost a natural by-product; spontaneously it comes, for the simple reason that we have been searching and searching our lives for something which was …
This article is for the people who may not be familiar with how Ascension related Kundalini energy feels and also how the Rewiring Process feels in the body. Many of you have …
The New Moon on July 23 2017 falls at 0º Leo decan 1. The New Moon July is has a tribal, clannish energy due to its conjunction with Mars. It is …