Try to picture a sunrise, the beach, or the ocean. Seems easy, right? But this is impossible for people who have a rare condition of absent voluntary imagery — they …
Words have meaning and names have power. Author Unknown It would seem a conundrum that such little attention and value is placed on the meaning of a name. I usually …
How To Detox The Pineal Gland – Astral Travel, Explore Other Dimensions, Foresee The Future And More…
Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will …
What is 12 strand DNA activation? Activating the new DNA is a service to humanity for the inner awakening of each soul that lives on Earth. Most people know that …
A technique to help our children feel their own Super Powers! As the parents bringing forth and raising the children that will be living on and helping create the New …
Numbers hold special significance for many people. Some believe they have a lucky number, while others notice that significant life events tend to occur in pairs, threes or other groupings. …
by Sophie Bashford If you choose to love an awakened woman, understand that you are entering into new, radical and challenging territory. If you choose to love an awakened woman, …
No Matter What’s Happening In Your Life Right Now, You Must Read This Short Story!
It was one seemingly ordinary day when I decided to QUIT… All of a sudden I made a decision to quit my job, my relationship and finally my spirituality. I …
Injured Dolphin Approached Divers For Help. Nothing Could Prepare Them For What They Saw
by Conscious Reminder Scuba diver Keller Laros couldn’t have gotten a better surprise during a night dive last January at Gadren Eel Cove in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii; a bottlenose dolphin caught in a …
The solar eclipse on 26 February 2017 is at 8 degrees Pisces. The solar eclipse February 2017 astrology is dominated by the spiritual planet Neptune to bring hope of a brighter future. …