Think of an experience in your childhood. Something you remember clearly, something you can see, feel, maybe even smell, as if you were really there. After all you really were …
So, you have chosen the spiritual path. You feel empowered, free, awesomely happy and delighted to be alive and you evolve, you grow, you become more, and BOOM! Suddenly one …
It’s estimated that up to 6% of the US population has narcissistic personality disorder(narcissism for short), which is more common in men and has its roots in childhood. Extremely resistant to …
Shamans are medicine men or women who use their connection with nature and the spirit world in order to heal and awaken others. Shamans journey into the Spirit world using drums, …
Stop Bullshitting Yourself If You Want to Wake Up (From the True Matrix) Part II: Reloaded
Being lost is for losers. Isn’t it? I certainly thought so. Being lost is for people who are on the couch eating Cheetos. For people in the unemployment line. For …
Although living in the third dimension limits our ability to a certain extent, each one of us is equipped with an infinitely powerful cosmic antenna in the center of our …
Lucid dreams are beyond bizarre to most of us. You are asleep and dreaming yet you know you are dreaming, and many lucid dreamers can affect actions and outcomes in dreams …
by Conscious Reminder A teacher took his student to the park at the base of a mountain. In the park there was a complex labyrinth with big walls. The labyrinth …
Who said you don’t have a dark side? Read on to find out some horrors about your personality that are determined by your Zodiac sign. 1. Aries (March 21 – …
Imagine you’re walking down the street enjoying a beautiful day. A limousine pulls alongside you and stops. “Excuse me!” A man in a perfectly tailored suit steps out of the …