Crows are incredibly intelligent creatures. In fact, their brain/body size ratio is the same as that of a chimpanzee; and we all know how intelligent chimps are. Crows have an …
by Conscious Reminder The (I)dentity is the bondage. This is the limit of the human condition because the extraordinary happens beyond the Ego’s reality. The creation of the “I” We …
Aries (March 21st to April 19th) Stop being so impulsive and learn to think your decisions through thoroughly. You will feel less regret that way. Taurus (April 20th to May …
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” ~Albert Einstein In times of extreme connectedness, we may find it hard to …
Many people from all walks of life have been reaching out to me with questions and complaints about strange “symptoms” they’ve been experiencing on and off, sometimes feeling like they …
A Man Sees a Poor Little Girl and Asks God: ‘How Could You Let This Happen’? God Answers…
by Conscious Reminder Once upon a time, a wise man started doubting God’s kindness. Whenever he looked around, he only pain and suffering. He felt abandoned, hopeless, powerless… Once, while …
by Conscious Reminder 1. Look for opportunities You can’t be brave, patient and reliable if you only complain about your life and feel sorry for yourself. The only thing you …
“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” ―Anne Sexton This morning I was picking up a few grocery items at a local convenience store when an …
The “Law of attraction” is something we do unconsciously with every moment spend in our lives. When we leverage on the good habits in life such as waking up early, …
The Office Of Lost And Found Dreams – What Happens To The Dreams We Don’t Remember?
What happens to the dreams we don’t remember? I’ve asked myself that question on mornings when I’ve awoken with little or no dream recall, while feeling that the night had …