by Sandy Stevenson Most definitely. The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for …
Soul Mates. Soul Reminders. Soul Connections. We hear about it, read about it and some of us are lucky enough to experience it. We are all curious and most of …
‘Thoughts lead on to action; actions form habits; habits create character; and character creates our destiny.’ – Debra Moffitt Karma simply means the effects of our actions. When we eat …
We all know that getting to the destination of our dreams requires taking consistent action steps and continually pushing forward. So why don’t we “just do it?” Why do we …
by Conscious Reminder You probably see a bunch of articles talking about the different traits of an empathic person, but really, we’re almost all empathic people (unless we have a …
The daughters of unloving mothers have a lot of issues which come from having lived a cruel, crazy-making lifestyle. Here’s why they attract narcissists: I think that living with a …
What About the Feminine? How Patriarchal Value Systems Affect Consciousness
“The world will be saved by Western Women.” ~ Dalai Lama, 2009 Not long ago I spoke to a friend who is part of a team organizing a consciousness conference. …
Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. Overthinking can create problems that weren’t even there or may not even happen in the first place. Most of the problems …
Butterflies are some of the most beautiful creatures nature has given us. Their vibrant colors and graceful floating dance from flower to flower is truly breathtaking. Seeing them is always …
20-Year-Old With Cancer Posts Inspiring Message Before He Dies, And People Can’t Stop Sharing It
Some people overcome challenges in ways that leave the rest of us in awe. Pablo Ráez, a 20-year-old Marbella, Spain resident, is such a person. When he was diagnosed with …