“Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. There is nothing they won’t tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness. However, the moment …
Narrated by Morgan Freeman MORE WAS NEVER ENOUGH “I’m eighty-six years old and sadly I’m basically sitting on my deathbed. I have millions of dollars in the bank but I …
At the beginning of the new millennium, the Dalai Lama gave us eighteen rules that lead to a successful and happy life. These rules equally apply to every one with enough of a …
Stop constantly paying attention to how you feel. You fell the way you feel. It will pass; it will go away. Nothing is permanent. You don’t have control over your …
The ethical codex of North American native people can inspire all of us to make important changes in the way we perceive life. 1. Rise together with the sun and …
by Conscious Reminder It sounds a little bit weird that positioning your things around the house and the office in a certain way can result in bigger money inflow. However, Feng shui …
by Conscious Reminder I want you to stop the chaos and infinite movement in your life for a moment, and take a deep breath. As you are inhaling, let your …
Crystals and semi-precious gemstones come from the same source – the Earth. Created during an eon-long process from the magma from the inner core, they are Mother Earth’s gift to …
Have You Been Seeing The Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33? Here’s What They Mean
by Conscious Reminder In numerology every number has its meaning. They’re all really important, but the most interesting ones are 11, 22 and 33. Numerologists call them “Master Numbers”. So, …
Autumnal Equinox: Perfect Time For Resolving Unfinished Business, Quarrels And Family Problems
On the first day of fall – the so-called Autumnal Equinox – both the night and the day last for exactly 12 hours. Autumnal equinox has always been considered a very powerful time …