by Conscious Reminder In times when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo, we tend to be more realistic and eager to get things right. Throughout the day, the …
Understanding the Mars Sign and Its Impact on Your Relationship Dynamics, Conflict & Ambition
by Conscious Reminder Whoop whoop! Get ready for a wild ride because I’m about to spill the beans about your Mars sign and how it influences your sex life, conflict …
Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Sleep According to Chinese Medicine
by Conscious Reminder Sleep is one of the most important necessities for human health. Sleep issues very often lead to critical illnesses. As a result, it is crucial to address …
Uranus Goes Direct Today: Upleveling Your Self-Worth & Authenticity Frequency
by Conscious Reminder Major leaps forward! Since August 28, 2023, Uranus, also known as the Planet of Revolution, has been in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, where it has …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, January 27, 2024: Uranus Goes Direct
by Conscious Reminder The rapid succession of unanticipated occurrences begins to have a slowing effect. It is said that preparation is half the reason for success, and the energy that …
Asteroid Talent in Sagittarius 2024: Express Your Unique Talents & Capabilities
by Conscious Reminder According to astrology, the asteroid Talent is commonly referred to as the “asteroid of talent.” It is a good thing that this is one of the tens …
by Conscious Reminder Guardian angels also called daimones by the Greeks are higher beings who help mortals out of the benevolence of their hearts. This is something that many people …
Today’s Wolf Full Moon in Leo is All About Kicking It into High Gear & Taking Action Toward Priorities
by Conscious Reminder Today, January 25, at 12:54 p.m. ET (6:54 p.m. CET), the proud Moon in Leo will oppose the Sun in the community-minded zodiac sign of Aquarius, forming …
The January Full Wolf Moon in Leo Will Bring a Slap in the Face to 4 Zodiacs
by Conscious Reminder However, there is some good news to report. While we are transitioning into the Aquarius season, the first full moon of the year presents an opportunity to …
Astrological Methods for Determining the Masculine or Feminine Nature of Your Energy
by Conscious Reminder There is a balanced expression of masculine and feminine traits in astrology, with some placements being more masculine and others more feminine. Sun signs are only one …