Home Consciousness The Worm Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Libra Will Make You Confront Difficult Truths and Reveal a New Side of You

The Worm Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Libra Will Make You Confront Difficult Truths and Reveal a New Side of You

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As we can already feel, there is something different in the air.

March 25th marks the upcoming Full Moon, with the culmination occurring at precisely 3:01 a.m. ET (9:01 a.m. CET). It falls in the Air sign of Libra.

There will be many blessings associated with the March Full Moon. When the Moon is full after the Spring equinox, it marks the beginning of a new astrological year and an excellent moment to bring your desires into physical form. It also coincides with a penumbral lunar eclipse, which is a great time to do moon rituals and manifest your desires.

No, the Moon will not turn a traditional shade of red during this eclipse. Why? Simply said, the Moon travels through the darkest region of Earth’s shadow, known as the umbra, during a lunar eclipse. Our March Full Moon will see the Moon move through the Earth’s penumbra, the lighter area of its shadow. Therefore, the Full Moon will appear dimmer, though it won’t have the striking red hue that is typically associated with lunar eclipses.

The Moon at this time is traditionally known as the Worm Full Moon because, in the Northern Hemisphere, worms and beetle larvae would be visible.

Worm Full Moon in Libra: What to Expect

At the time of the Full Moon, many of us experience heightened emotional states. Everything that has been going on this time will finally come to a head at this energetic zenith of the Moon Cycle. During this time, you may experience heightened sensitivity, profound light, or high energy. Emotions run high during the Full Moon, especially if it’s a lunar eclipse. Just ask any emergency hospital staff!

Libra will temper any impulsiveness or intensity you might normally feel. Those born under the Libra zodiac sign are amiable and place a premium on harmony. Feelings of being completely overwhelmed will give way to a strong desire to seek out a new equilibrium. That could mean taking a break from work to improve your work-life balance, or going out more often to make up for the weekends when you stay in and watch too much TV.

On top of that, trines and sextiles will rule the sky, which is a relief because squares can be aggressive. It is a very nice combination. By doing so, we can make room in our hearts and minds for the restorative energy that Libra is currently offering.

This Moon is certainly not simple, though. The Moon is currently in Aries, where it will form an opposition to the Sun. While this probably won’t lead to arguments, it does mean that your daily desires will differ significantly from your solo desires. Our outward personalities are shaped by the Sun, while our inner selves are governed by the Moon. As a result, you may find that your inner need for tranquility is at conflict with your tendency to become demanding and competitive.

Worm Full Moon in Libra: Maximize Your Experience

From an energetic standpoint, this Moon will be fascinating. While Aries and Libra are in opposition, it’s important to keep in mind that they actually complement each other. Whenever given the choice between spending time alone or interacting with others, they will both choose the latter. Embrace the similarities rather than letting these signs cause an internal struggle. Libras find harmony in friendship, while Aries get their energy from interacting with others. Aries and Libra can unite through social connections, so get out of the house and do something fun like go to a Pilates class or meet up with friends for coffee.

When it comes to the zodiac signs, Libra is probably the most style-conscious. It’s tailor-made for the vivacious Aries, who refuses to leave a celebration until everyone has had their fill. This recipe will help you make the most of your busy social schedule, which is the key to embracing the complementary energies and finding the harmony that Libra desires.

Be mindful that Libra isn’t always decisive and will resort to any means necessary to maintain harmony. These aren’t necessarily negative qualities, but when they permeate our souls, they can lead us to neglect our own needs. Remember that your needs must be met on occasion if you aspire to attain a healthy balance. Irrespective of whether it causes a stir.

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