by Conscious Reminder Without a doubt, your vision is one hundred percent golden, regardless of what occurs on this day. On December 7, 2023, it is a very good day for …
10 Ways to Survive During Mercury “Retroshade” (Which Is Just as Bad as Mercury Retrograde)
by Conscious Reminder Does it seem like no matter what you do, nothing is ever going to work out the way you want it to? This is likely due to Mercury …
by Conscious Reminder Spirits are everywhere around us. There are times when we can notice them while there are also times when we can’t notice them. When a spirit tried to …
2023’s Final Mercury Retrograde Horoscope: How This Backspin Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
by Conscious Reminder Since the sun entered the playful sign of Sagittarius on November 22, the atmosphere has been anything but solemn—and rightfully so. Following an intense eclipse season, there has …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, December 6, 2023: Hope is on the Way
by Conscious Reminder Access to all things optimistic and hopeful is made significantly easier by today’s transit. On December 6, 2023, Neptune will go direct, bringing a little more good fortune …
The Spiritual Meaning of Number 5: A Sign of Change
by Andy from, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Hello! Have you ever found the number 5 showing up frequently? You may see it on clocks, addresses, sports jerseys, or your favorite TV …
by Conscious Reminder Soulmates are those souls whose energies are bound to our own. More than a kindred spirit, soulmates share not just attitudes and personality traits, but goals, drives and …
Neptune in Pisces, December 2023: Moment of Decision
by Conscious Reminder After being retrograde since June 30, the planet of illusions and delusions, Neptune, will turn direct in Pisces on December 6. While this fantastical world gives us hope …
Daily Horoscope for All Zodiacs, December 5, 2023: A Change in the Wind
by Conscious Reminder At quarter moons, when we feel a sense of urgency to act, we are prompted to do so by the energy of the moment. What are the most …
New Moon in Sagittarius, December 2023: Change is Inevitable
by Conscious Reminder It is approximately once every month that the moon moves between the Earth and the sun, causing it to appear almost invisible from our vantage point. The occurrence …