Home Consciousness Capricorn New Moon Ritual: Feel the Connection with the First New Moon of 2024

Capricorn New Moon Ritual: Feel the Connection with the First New Moon of 2024

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On the 11th of January, the Capricorn New Moon reaches its peak, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle. At the beginning of the year 2024, this is the first wave of new energy that the universe has to offer us.

New Moons are always a good time to think about what you want to bring into existence in the months to come and to set intentions for what you want to bring into existence. On account of the fact that it is located in the earth sign of Capricorn, this New Moon is an excellent opportunity to make a commitment to long-term objectives and to contemplate the concrete steps that you can take to make your dreams come true.

What is it that you would like to make a commitment to in the year 2024? This is the kind of work that will be supported under the New Moon in January, despite the fact that it is a potentially weighty question and the word “commit” can be quite overwhelming.

In order to guide you, here is a ritual.

I hope you like it.

Capricorn New Moon Ritual


  • Energy cleansing tool of choice (e.g. bells, incense, herb sticks)
  • Energy Recharging Meditation
  • 1 Candle (preferably white)
  • 3 pennies or other small coins
  • 3 leaves (you can use garden leaves, bay leaves, or mint leaves)
  • 3 pieces of small paper
  • Pen or pencil

What Are You Going to Do?

This ritual is best performed in the evening before going to bed. The best time to complete this ritual is between January 7th and January 17th.

1. Start by using your selected cleansing tool to purge your aura and immediate environment.

Paraphrase this or write your own mantra to recite while you clear your energy field:

“I cleanse myself front and back, I cleanse myself front and back. I release the energy of the year gone by. I release the energy of the year gone by. I open myself to receive. I open myself to receive. Many blessings are now coming my way. Many blessings are now coming my way. I am one with myself. I am one with the Universe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Whether you prefer to write your own version or recite the following, while you purge your environment:

“I cleanse this space. I cleanse my home. I fill it with lots of love, joy, and happiness. My home is safe. My home is protected. My home is cleansed. Light fills the room. Light fills this space. Only love resides here.”

2. You should begin by lighting the candle and then arranging the coins, paper, and leaves in rows in front of it. This will set up your ritual. Don’t forget to put your pen to the side.

3. Ensure that you are as comfortable as possible before beginning your Energy Recharging Meditation.

4. Immediately after you have finished your meditation, take out your pen and write down the things that you would like to commit to doing in relation to your professional life or your day-to-day routine. Simply fold the paper in half and position it so that it is atop one of the leaves.

5. Now that you have your next piece of paper, take it and write down what it is that you want to commit to in addition to your relationships. Following the completion of the aforementioned task, fold the paper in half and position it on top of the second leaf.

6. Write down on the third piece of paper what it is that you want to commit to in terms of your health, your spiritual journey, or your inner well-being. This piece of paper should be folded up and then placed on top of the last leaf.

7. Put a coin on top of the first leaf of the piece of paper listing the things you want to commit to in your professional life, and then take the first leaf. In order to provide you with a visual representation, envision a small stack in which your leaf is placed at the bottom, the paper is placed in the middle, and the coin is placed on top. The leaf should be folded over so that it covers as much of the coin and paper as it can potentially cover. You should recite the following while holding it in both of your hands:

“I am ready to commit to (insert here). As I make this commitment, the confidence, strength, and wisdom I need to follow through on it slowly filters into my being. I ask to remain open to the solutions, next steps, and actions needed to solidify this commitment in my life. I ask to be gentle with myself in the process.”

After you have finished reciting this, take a profound breath and then exhale into the bundle of leaves. For the purpose of bringing about the manifestation of what you have requested in your life, imagine that you are infusing your leaf bundle with energy. Now that everything is finished, put the bundle to the side.

8. Now, take the next bundle of leaves you have. The same procedure should be repeated, this time folding the leaf over as much as possible. Please repeat the following while you are holding the bundle in your hands:

“I am ready to commit to (insert here). As I make this commitment, the confidence, strength, and wisdom I need to follow through on it slowly filters into my being. I ask to remain open to the solutions, next steps, and actions needed to solidify this commitment in my life. I ask to be gentle with myself in the process.”

A deep breath should be taken after reciting this mantra, and then the breath should be exhaled into the leaf bundle once more. Position it to the side of the room.

9. Take the last bundle of leaves and proceed with the process once more:

“I am ready to commit to (insert here). As I make this commitment, the confidence, strength, and wisdom I need to follow through on it slowly filters into my being. I ask to remain open to the solutions, next steps, and actions needed to solidify this commitment in my life. I ask to be gentle with myself in the process.”

It is recommended that you blow into the leaf bundle once more and then set it to the side.

10. Taking three deep breaths will help you to calm your mind and bring you back to the center of your being. Put your hands together in the position of prayer and express gratitude to the universe for hearing and granting your requests. Your gratitude should be directed toward all the blessings you have received this year. When you are finished, extinguish the candle.

11. Put the bundles of leaves you have gathered into the ground beneath you. Aim to accomplish this within forty-eight hours of finishing the steps described above.

Enjoy the first New Moon of the year 2024!

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