So many inventions, so little time. Some of the most famous, successful and driven people throughout history have had some very strange sleeping habits — from micro-naps to sleeping in …
Scrying is a form of divination or fortune telling based on visions seen in a particular medium or object. The most common image of scrying is the stereotypical gypsy fortune …
Scientist Photographs A Man The Moment He Dies. You’ll Be Shocked By What He Captured
Does the soul exists? According to Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov, a Russian scientist, the soul does exist and he has evidence showing that there is something beyond death. He has …
Have you noticed a big shift in your life? We are all, more or less, becoming awake…for some reason people across the globe are awakening at an alarming rate. I would …
The Scientific Basis For The Spiritual Concept Of The Third Eye
by Richard Boyd, Body Mind Psychotherapist, Energetics Institute, Perth, West Australia/ Copyright 2011 Eastern spiritual paths and certain occult traditions have emphasized the concept of the “Third Eye”. This psycho-physical feature …
The subconscious rules so much of our lives from behind the scenes. From the moment that the sperm meets the egg and begins to process of forming a life, you …
If you follow my weekly energy forecasts you have probably heard me say that we all have the 12 zodiac signs within us in some way. This is not just …
“Power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power is within and is available to you now.” ~ Eckhart Tolle At first glance the words strength and power may sound …
Although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences of …
Quantum Physics Has Confirmed It – The Universe Is Comprised Of Information: Here’s What It Means
As quantum physics can now confirm, the universe we live in is not made up of solid objects but of energy and information. This discovery holds vast implications for understanding …