Negativity is everywhere. It’s in the media, the workplace, within our social circles, and even in our own families. You can’t avoid it altogether, but you can cut at least …
Nutrition For The Mind’s Eye: Foods To Reactivate Your Pineal Gland
The mind’s eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is considered to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In case you weren’t aware, the pineal gland is a …
Venus retrograde 2017 starts on March 4 at 13° Aries and ends on April 15 at 27° Pisces. Venus retrograde March 2017 is a six-week period of exciting opportunities with love and money. …
Tobacco’s genus, Nicotiana, covers over 70 species. The name tobacco usually refers to most famous and widely used Nicotiana Tabacum and its shorter but more potent cousin Nicotiana Rustica, both …
There is a little known part of our brain called the pineal gland more commonly known as our third eye. It’s shaped like a pine cone, hence the name. This …
Scientists Shocked As They Find Aboriginal Australians Carry DNA Of An Unknown “Human” Species
A group of humans migrating out of Africa some 40,000 to 70,000 years ago mingled with an as-yet unknown branch of humanity, researchers say. Modern humans originated about 150,000 to …
Did you know that your dreams hold coded messages from your higher self and spirit guides? Learn how to decode your dreams with the following simple tools. What comes to …
MARCH 4TH – APRIL 15TH, 2017 13° ARIES – 26° PISCES “There are inevitable moments of “evil fate” [in relationships] since the intimate one opens the deepest wounds, and lovers, …
By Vandita | AnonHQ Is ignorance truly bliss? Most of us don’t know there’s a neurological correlation between being socially awkward and being highly intelligent. If ignorance is bliss, is intelligence a …
It’s easy to list what you find unappealing in a potential mate, but identifying the qualities that make someone desirable for the long haul is a slightly tougher task. What exactly …