Venus retrograde 2017 starts on March 4 at 13° Aries and ends on April 15 at 27° Pisces.
Venus retrograde March 2017 is a six-week period of exciting opportunities with love and money. Instant attraction and whirlwind romances are possible. The key to enjoying Venus retrograde 2017 is to choose your options carefully. Hasty decisions based more on lust than love will only end in sorrow once Venus turns direct.
You can find true love during this Venus retrograde but some hardship or delay is to be expected. These shared burdens are a sign of fated love and the price you must pay to be together. Self love, patience and good timing will increase your chance of a loving and lasting relationship.
Before I go into more detail about Venus retrograde 2017, I will talk about what it means to have Venus retrograde in your natal chart then the general meaning of Venus retrograde in transit.
Venus Retrograde Meaning
Natal Venus retrograde means you have some difficulty in giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Lack of self-love, social anxiety, shyness and even financial hardship can be associated with Venus retrograde in your birth chart.
Often these challenges are a result of past life relationships issues. Due to the laws of karma, if you caused suffering or hardship to a lover in a previous life, then you shall experience something similar yourself during this life. Venus retrograde acts like Mars so perhaps you hurt someone you loved. Maybe you had an affair, walked out when they needed you most, or physically injured them.
Whatever the circumstance of the previous romance, you come into this life with those bad memories etched in your soul. You probably don’t recognize them as memories but as déjà vu or unexplained guilt. Especially when young, there can be a repeating theme of challenging events related to your past.
Sadness and disappointment may come from unrequited love, forced marriage, sexual abuse, mental illness or physical disability. Learning to love yourself is critical in working through your Venus retrograde issues. Other signs of natal Venus retrograde can be poor personal hygiene and not caring about how you look.
Self love can start with beautifying your physical appearance. The use of fashion, cosmetics and beauty treatments can greatly improve your self-love and therefore make you more lovable. However, natal Venus retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.
The aim of Venus retrograde in your natal chart is to perfect those areas of your love life which once let you down. As your relationship skills improve with experience, your karmic debt will be repaid and you start to enjoy more loving relationships.
Transiting Venus retrograde occurs once every 19 months for a period of six weeks (42 days). This means Venus is retrograde only 7% of the time which is the least amount of any planet. The next closest is Mars retrograde at 9% then Mercury retrograde at 19%. Venus retrograde should therefore be the most strongly felt of all retrograde planets.
During Venus retrograde your love life enters a fated period. Giving and receiving love and affection becomes more difficult. Old friends or lovers may reappear or you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. As Venus also rules money, it’s traditionally thought that Venus retrograde is not an ideal time for investing or buying luxury items.
Venus retrograde in transit is a time of introspection and reassessment. You may be interested in someone or something of value that would bring you pleasure. Destiny encounters are possible and you may actually come into contact with your soul mate. If so, you should experience a feeling of inevitability or familiarity. However, it is better to wait until Venus turns direct to make your move.
Use Venus retrogrades to improve how you feel about yourself, to love yourself more. Think about what really brings you pleasure. Find the reasons for problems in previous or current relationships. This is where old lovers reappearing can help you clear away the past to make room for new relationships. Even reminiscing about previous partners can be enough to empty out your karmic baggage and lighten the load.
Venus Retrograde 2017
January 30, 2017, Venus enters shadow zone at 26°54′ Pisces.
From now until Venus retrograde is called the first shadow period. During this phase you will get an idea of the love and money issues that will be of concern during the retrograde phase.
March 4, 2017, Venus stations retrograde at 13°08′ Aries.
Venus retrograde 2017 makes no major planetary aspects. The the main influence on Venus retrograde March 2017 is the fixed star Alpheratz at 14°32′ Aries. The head of the Princess is very lucky. Acting like Jupiter and Venus it brings harmony and popularity. It gives independence, freedom, love, riches, honor and a keen intellect.
The minor aspects to Venus will have subtle but romantic effect. The accepted rules for Venus retrograde are to not start a new relationship or to marry, and to not spend big money. However, the fortunate fixed star makes Venus retrograde 2017 a promising time for dating and for relationships which began before March 4.

Venus Retrograde March 2017
Jupiter opposite Uranus brings many exciting opportunities. Mars conjunct Uranus suggests instant attraction and thrilling sexual encounters. However, impulsiveness would lead to wrong choices and embarrassment later on. Fast money can be made but lost just as quickly.
Mars trine Saturn does give a desire to save money but to also stick to your long-term goals. Dating should be enjoyable and you may actually meet your soul mate during this six weeks. You would most likely be seeking a committed, long-term relationship with the potential for marriage and perhaps children.
April 15, 2017, Venus stations direct at 26°54′ Pisces.
This second shadow period of five weeks ends on May 18. Your love and money issues that were in focus during the Venus retrograde phase can now finalized. While there are no fixed stars with Venus direct, there are two significant planetary aspects. These major aspects to Venus direct give further clues on how to move forward.
Venus sextile Mars is ideal for romance and socializing. A perfect blend of sexuality and affection make you look and feel sexy. You can be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without being at all threatening. This balance also means you are ready to give and receive love and adoration.

Venus Direct January 2017
Venus square Saturn has the opposite influence of Venus sextile Mars. It adds stress to relationships from negative feelings, distance or other relationships problems. Hard work is required to maintain your present relationship. Don’t ignore the affections of loved ones.
Increased financial pressure means you should avoid wasting money and other resources. While Venus retrograde March 2017 was a good time to budget and make financial plans, now is the right time to act.
During Venus direct you should pay off debts. If there is anything leftover then try saving for the future. If you did make a major purchase during the Venus retrograde phase then you may experience financial hardship now as a result.
Venus square Saturn also indicates a fated romance. Any hardships you must endure are karmic in nature and the price to pay for being together. It can also means shared responsibilites of a serious or heavy nature such as caring for parents or a shared financial debt.
The combined effect of a sexy Mars and gloomy Saturn means that existing relationships can improve and new romances can start. However, be prepared to face some hardships. You may have to prove your love or fight hard to win or keep your partner. There may be criticism from parents or teachers and frustrating delays due to distance or lack of money.
If old lovers came back into your life during the Venus retrograde phase, they may depart now or start causing real problems in an existing relationship. If this is true love, patience and loyalty will lead to a committed and lasting partnership.
May 18, 2017, Venus leaves the shadow zone at 13°08′ Aries. The final phase of Venus retrograde 2017 is now complete.
Venus Retrograde Dates
2015, July 25 to September 6 — 14° Leo to 1° Virgo
2017, March 4 to April 15 —27° Pisces to 13° Aries
2018, October 5 to November 16 — 25° Libra to 11° Scorpio
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