by Frank M. Wanderer, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Image Source: Understanding the nature of consciousness and reality has long been a central pursuit of scientists and philosophers. One fascinating approach is …
Jung In Conversation With A Native American Chief: Only The Mad Think With Their Heads
by Conscious Reminder Because we are told that God is found both in the silence as well as in our hearts, when we block our painful feelings, we have set …
by Conscious Reminder Nowadays, there are a lot of teachers of consciousness, but not every one of them has the humor, intelligence, insight, academic training and personal experience like Ram Dass …
8:8 Lionsgate Portal Opening: Supercharged Energy Bringing A Massive Shift In Consciousness
by Conscious Reminder This month has seen a tumultuous rise is the cosmic energy that has been prevalent for quite some time now. The amount of information that has been …
View these passages as secret treasures passed down to you through generations by some of the wisest humans who ever walked this Earth. Because, after all, that’s precisely what they …
Your Brain Is Not Your Mind: An Exploration Of The True Nature Of Consciousness
By Marcus T Anthony, PhD Our knowledge of the nature of the objects treated in physics consists solely of readings of pointers (on instrument dials) and other indicators. (Therefore) what …
Quantum Physics Explains – “Death Is An Illusion Created By Our Consciousness?”
by Luke Miller Truth Theory The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as we begin to not only realize more about the …
The Physics Of Consciousness: The Zero-Point Field, Pineal Gland And Out-of-Body Experience
by Anthony Peake For centuries it has been recorded that under certain circumstances human consciousness can leave the body and travel both within the external world and to other locations of …
by Paul A Philips Those craftily manipulating and enslaving us are caring less and less about whether or not we buy into their carefully cultivated 5-sense, 3D fake reality, played …
In the grand scheme of things, our consciousness is always shifting. It’s like the sea. There are greater and lesser waves that move through it, but in some way or …