by Conscious Reminder Your daily horoscope reveals the love, wisdom, and intuitive insights that your zodiac sign holds. On March 2, 2025, the stars align to offer profound insights and guidance …
by Conscious Reminder We all know that Valentine’s Day is celebrating romantic affection and love, and it looks like it is not related to that saint it has been named …
Venus in Aries 2025: A Period Full of Passion, Love & Excitement
by Conscious Reminder When Venus meets with Aries on February 4th, we are reminded of what we need to achieve and how soon we need to do that. For Venus is …
If He Only Loves Angels with Broken Wings, It’s Time to Go Away
by Conscious Reminder Life is a weird journey and this possibly isn’t the best way to start a passage but it is what it is. Nobody can say that they …
Dear Mothers: Teach Your Daughters To Love Their Bodies Because Real Beauty Comes From Within
by Conscious Reminder I couldn’t fail to notice that, lately, in the United States, girls who don’t match the Barbie standards are considered the greatest sin; society’s greatest defeat. Though they …
Venus In Leo (June/October 2023) – Love, Passion & Seduction
by Conscious Reminder Lovelorn Venus enters fiery Leo on June 5 and will remain there until October 8. When Venus is in Leo, it brings us passion and desire. Venus in …
Angels And Children Are Tightly Connected: 8 Angelic Messages That Your Children Need To Hear
by Conscious Reminder Angels and children are tightly connected. In so many ways, children are Earth Angels who remind their parents of how important innocence, laughter, honesty and play are. Cherubim are …
by Conscious Reminder I often come across people who are 20, 30, or 40 years old, but their years only depict their biological age. Deep inside, they seem to be …
A Practical Generation Of Open Relationships – Have We Forgotten How To Love?
by Conscious Reminder Why is it so difficult to maintain a healthy relationship today? Why do we keep failing over and over again, when we put so much effort? Why …
by Conscious Reminder You might be the world’s greatest but you’ll be flying solo unless you know how each zodiac sign falls in love… Aries Aries is the risk taker. Once …