What kind of destiny are you creating for yourself? These are common habits that are toxic to your spiritual identity.
Stop doing these things today and you can look forward to a brighter, healthier, and happier tomorrow.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.
― Mahatma Gandhi
- Stop pretending your problems don’t exist. Face them. The longer you ignore them, the stronger they will get!
- Stop putting your happiness or life satisfaction in the hands of others.
- Stop pretending your mistakes never happened. Embrace them. Learn from them. Grow from them. They made you who you are.
- Stop telling yourself you can’t do something before you’ve given it an honest effort.
- Stop neglecting the things that are important to you.
- Stop putting the needs of other people first. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Become your own best friend.
- Stop trying to be just like someone else. Instead, create the best version of you.
Face your problems. The longer you ignore them, the stronger they will get!
- Stop waiting for a time – retirement, graduation, a promotion – when you can be happy. Instead, learn to find happiness in your current life.
- Stop spending time with people who bring you down.
- Stop questioning your self-worth based on external forces. Your value comes from the inside.
- Stop working for someone else’s dream. Set your own goals. Make them meaningful.
- Stop being jealous of others. Either go out and achieve those things for yourself, or embrace the life you do have.
- Stop believing that you can’t change. You can.
- Stop minimizing other peoples’ compliments and maximizing their criticisms. Flip this dynamic around.
- Stop focusing on avoiding what you don’t want. Instead, focus on going after what you do want.
- Stop being too afraid of making a mistake to take action.
- Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are not other people. You are you!
- Stop wasting energy worrying about things you cannot change.
- Stop believing that other people’s opinions matter more than your own.
- Stop pretending you don’t have time to do the things you love. You can make time for anything that you decide is important to you.
- Stop saving joy for special occasions.
- Stop beating yourself up over mistakes and imperfections. You’re just a human being.
- Stop choosing the path of least resistance. If it doesn’t align with your values, it isn’t your way.
Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are not other people. You are you!
- Stop blaming others for your misfortunes and unhappiness.
- Stop letting your fear of failure keep you from chasing your dreams.
- Stop waiting for your circumstances to change. Take charge of your life.
- Stop taking time away from the people you love to spend with people you only tolerate.
- Stop wasting energy on regret for a past mistake you cannot change.
- Stop letting shame keep you from apologizing, admitting you’ve been hurt, or doing anything else that keeps you from healing and moving forward.
- Stop expecting perfection of yourself, your loved ones, and your co-workers.
- Stop feeling guilty about indulging in free time or other kinds of self-care.
- Stop keeping yourself busy for the sake of being busy.
- Stop rushing through life. Learn to savor it.
- Stop saying ‘yes’ to things you would rather not do.
- Stop making your life more complicated than it needs to be.
If you’re ashamed to bear your habits, perhaps you need to get rid of them…
As Stephen King once wrote:
A man who can’t bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.
How many of the habits above do you engage in? How many would you admit to a friend? A stranger? Yourself?
If these habits are causing you shame or unhappiness, quit them today. You’ll feel so much better when you do.
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