Winter is coming. Even though, really, fall has just arrived. Chances are you’re in the throes of Westerosian strife, and you’re snatching at all the “Game of Thrones” you can possibly find.
But you need to take a step back. Before you get all fanatically fanboy or fangirl over this new season, you need somewhere to officially belong. Keep reading to find out which “Game of Thrones” house you belong to, according to your Zodiac.

:: Gemini: House Baratheon.
When it comes to doing what needs to be done, you may as well be the mascot. That’s just how you roll. You adapt when necessary, and you do it cleverly. You never run into situations blindly — however, that’s not to say you don’t overlook major details that might actually screw you up majorly in the end.

:: Capricorn: House Bolton.
You are one deceitful (but successful), conniving (but capable), monstrous (but motivated) individual. But it’s OK. As long as you’re not actually flaying any actual, living people (or animals), you’re acceptable in human society. On a positive note, you definitely don’t stand down, and you’re least likely to cower to something that might normally scare others. You’ve got balls, even though you can be kind of an a**hole.

:: Cancer: House Lannister.
You’ve got a bold, emotional and dedicated personality, which really just means you’re Cersei, Jaimie and Tyrion wrapped up in one. You may let your emotions get the better of you, for better or worse, but you at least never back down. Ever. Literally. Never. Ever. Not ever. Ever.

:: Virgo: House Stark.
You seem cool and collected, but you’re also on top of your sh*t. Who cares if someone gets one over on you? Or two? Or three? All that matters it that you’re clever and resourceful enough to carry on no matter what.

:: Pisces: House Tully.
You’re aren’t dependent on others, but you’re not afraid to keep the company of friends close by. In fact, you’re at your best with good company. They bring out your strengths — even your compassion. The world is a difficult place to navigate through, but you never take the easy way out. You endure, no matter what.

:: Sagittarius: House Targaryen.
You have a strong set of eyes focused on the future, no matter how many setbacks you might face. Though this might actually be one your main weaknesses, given the fact that you may put too much faith in your abilities, it’s definitely better than having no faith in yourself at all.

:: Taurus: Castle Black.
There’s nothing wrong with being stoic. It’s a noble trait. When you add in the fact that you’re kind of a badass who is loyal to the end, you’re essentially noble on steroids. Despite the fact that you’re very set in your ways, you find what you love and you stick with it till the end.

:: Aries: House Greyjoy.
Despite the fact that you tend to keep to yourself (maybe even a bit selfishly, at times), you’re by no means boring. You’ve got a boldness about you that screams of adventure. You’re fearless, and sometimes that can get the better of you. If no one’s ever told you that a bit of caution goes a long way, then they should have.

:: Leo: House Arryn.
Not unlike a falcon, you tend to watch from afar. You keep your distance and your neutrality when issues rise out of control. This is where you feel your safest, but that doesn’t deny the fact that you’ve got a strong will and a good heart. This is what keeps you going. You may live on the outskirts, but you’re hardly in the shadows.

:: Libra: House Martell.
You balance your romantic side with your fiery, vicious side, and people need to be aware. Though you can easily flip on a dime, it’s always due to you reacting to something that warrants said flipping. You’ve got a soft, sweet side. You’ve got a bold, dangerous side. When people are in your company, it’s a gamble.

:: Scorpio: House Frey.
If ever there was someone who lived their lives in superstition and distrust, it’s you. You’ve got a domineering persona, but it’s weakened by your introverted and wrathful demeanor. When it comes to giving someone the cold shoulder in a moment of angst, you never have any trouble. Both your shoulders are cold. You, as a whole, are cold. The song “Dancing With Myself” from Billy Idol may as well have been written for you, because that’s the only person who’d likely be willing to dance with you.

:: Aquarius: House Tyrell.
You’ve got spirit — that’s for sure. While everyone else is off being selfish and dull, you mix a fine blend of prudence and charm. You flourish in positivity and hope, and it’s possibly a benefit to you that most other’s don’t. That’s your high ground (not to be confused with your Highgarden).
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