Home Consciousness Collaborating With the Universe: Getting Your Prayers Answered

Collaborating With the Universe: Getting Your Prayers Answered

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Universe always answers our prayers and always gives us what we want… if we ask for it. This means that what we get is what we ask for, and this law has no exceptions.

So, most of the time, we think that what we get is not what we want or what we asked for, and for this, there are two possible reasons:

The first is that we ask for what we want more powerfully, and the Universe cannot fulfill both of our wishes simultaneously. For instance, if an individual aspires to become wealthy yet constantly contemplates their impoverished circumstances, meager income, and numerous financial commitments, they may express a stronger desire for poverty than for wealth. This is because the universe cannot fulfill both desires at the same time, leading them to choose the more powerful one.

The second most common reason is that we don’t make it clear, causing both our energy and the universal one to scatter.

Here I present to you a simple way to make your wish clear to the Universe, and work together with it in order to have your wish come true. Pick one thing you want to accomplish in your life. Choose something that you believe you can accomplish and that you really want to. If you don’t believe you can have what you wish, you won’t.

If you don’t really want something, you will not be motivated to act according to what your heart desires. So choose something simple and pleasant. As you become more familiar with this method, you can achieve things that you couldn’t even imagine. Now, write down on a piece of paper what you want to receive. Write it with as many details as you can. Even put a photograph of it, if you have one. Write it in a manner like “I am getting a…” and not in a way like “I would like to have a…”.

Now, write down everything YOU CAN and YOU WANT to do in order to receive what you are asking for. Most people tend to believe that there is nothing they can do, or continue to focus on what they cannot achieve.

There is always something you CAN do.

No matter how insignificant it seems, By taking action, you can make your wish come true. Maybe you want to buy a new car. And maybe the only thing you can do is put a dollar in a piggy bank every day. Well, this is enough. But don’t try to outsmart the Universe… for you cannot. So, be honest about what you feel comfortable doing and want to do in order for your wish to come true.

Write everything you are going to do on the paper. Then, every day, choose a time you can be quiet for about half an hour and read your papers. For this to come to you, read both what you want and what you are doing. Then close your eyes and visualize yourself having what you want and being happy and grateful. Of course, continue to fulfill the promises you have made to the Universe. And rest assured that the

The Universe will do whatever else is needed to be done for your wish to come true.

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