Home Consciousness Do Not Plunge into Panic Mode After Reading the Words “Saturn Goes Retrograde Today”

Do Not Plunge into Panic Mode After Reading the Words “Saturn Goes Retrograde Today”

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In astrology, the planet Saturn is known to be the “greater malefactor,” a karmic celestial being who teaches us important life lessons.

Saturn embodies qualities of discipline, structure, accountability, and endurance. Every year, Saturn goes into retrograde for about four-and-a-half months.

During the period from June 29th to November 15th, 2024, Saturn will be in retrograde. Saturn’s current position in Pisces is quite significant, as it moves from 19 degrees to 12 degrees, shedding light on these important points in the zodiac.

At 12 degrees of Pisces, there is a profound connection to the art of releasing and gracefully disengaging from any conflicts we may have been entangled in.

During this period of Saturn Retrograde, it may be beneficial for you to consider setting aside your weapon. Try to find a way to resolve conflicts, whether they are internal, with others, or related to your current circumstances. Discover the path to inner peace before seeking it in the external world.

Saturn Retrograde 2024

Saturn is widely recognized as the planet of Karma, yet it can also be seen as our esteemed Master Teacher.

Saturn provides guidance for us to take full responsibility for our lives, acknowledge and take ownership of our actions and decisions, and develop the ability to establish healthy boundaries. This energy, characterized by clarity and directness, inspires us to establish ambitious objectives and pursue excellence in all our endeavors. Saturn can also symbolize challenges related to masculinity, father figures, or authority.

As Saturn travels in retrograde, it prompts us to reflect on our past actions and examine areas where we may have neglected or overlooked our responsibilities or failed to establish clear boundaries. As a seasoned observer of celestial movements, Saturn takes a retrospective look at the past few months, assessing our progress and willingness to learn from the valuable lessons presented to us.

Saturn can be a demanding instructor at times, but it only challenges us when it recognizes our ability to rise to the occasion. Indeed, Saturn Retrograde often rewards us as we start to recognize our own expertise.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 2024

When Saturn made its initial entry into Pisces on March 8, 2023, certain themes emerged. Now, we have the opportunity to delve back into the karmic lessons and teachings that were prevalent in November 2023.

Consider looking back to November and reflecting on the events that took place during that time. What lessons have you encountered? Can you identify any areas in your life where you felt the need to assume greater responsibility or establish clear boundaries?

Considering the concept of relinquishing your defenses, how might this be relevant to the recent events in your life since November? Have you been struggling to overcome a seemingly insurmountable challenge? Or maybe you’re just focusing your attention in the wrong direction.

It is a common experience to find ourselves in conflict with our own selves. What are some ways to cultivate self-compassion and embrace forgiveness? What are some ways to approach ourselves and our current circumstances with greater compassion?

Saturn possesses a distinct energy that is far from gentle, yet in Pisces, we can observe certain softer qualities emerging. Saturn serves as a gentle reminder for us to cease our internal and external conflicts. It indicates a desire for us to discover inner tranquility. Understanding that we can overcome the narratives we create for ourselves and the anxieties that overwhelm us is important.

Consider incorporating this approach as Saturn begins its retrograde journey. Consider exploring methods to cultivate forgiveness, embrace acceptance of the present circumstances, and foster a sense of inner security and safety during the period leading up to November.

Saturn Retrograde & Nessus

During the retrograde journey of Saturn in 2024, it coincides with the retrograde movement of the asteroid Nessus.

Nessus, the asteroid associated with ancestral healing, delves into the depths of our being, uncovering the darker aspects of our nature. We connect it to our shadow and the profound generational wounds we inherit throughout our lives.

Nessus gently reminds us that not all wounds are the result of our actions. It is both our responsibility and not our responsibility to heal certain wounds that we inherit.

Working with Nessus is an incredibly personal experience, making it challenging to articulate the depth of our connection to this energy. We all carry the burdens of our ancestors, and at times, we may feel a sense of duty to break the cycle, while other times, we are humbly reminded of the limits of our power.

During this time, it appears that there may be some deep-seated wounds from our past that are resurfacing. The presence of Nessus alongside Saturn indicates a connection to our generational or ancestral history. It’s possible that the challenges we’re encountering exceed our capabilities. It is possible that the challenges we face are a result of the choices made by our ancestors rather than our own.

Regardless of the generational or family wounds that may arise, it is essential for us to acknowledge the importance of taking personal responsibility for our actions and decisions, as emphasized by Saturn. It is beyond our control to change our past or bear the burden of healing all the generational traumas in our family line. However, we can empower ourselves by acknowledging that our healing journey extends beyond our own lives and impacts future generations.

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