Home Consciousness September’s Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

September’s Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Get ready to embark on an exciting new journey.

If you sense a touch of chaos stirring in the universe, you’re likely tuning into the energy of the approaching eclipse season. The journey begins with a striking lunar eclipse on September 17. This powerful full moon serves as this year’s Harvest Moon, making its appearance just days before the autumn equinox. For some, this marks the start of an especially important new chapter. Conversely, some zodiac signs might not experience the effects as significantly, feeling only a slight difference from a typical full moon.

The lunar eclipse in September reaches its climax as Virgo season comes to a close, a time when the sun has illuminated this grounded and detail-oriented earth sign. The eclipse is unfolding right across the heavens in the deeply emotional and intuitive realm of Pisces. This is the first eclipse in this section of the zodiac since 2017, signaling the beginning of a new chapter for every sign. The transformations initiated by this lunation will set the stage for a profound emotional and spiritual journey that will unfold over the coming years.

Undoubtedly, transformation is challenging, and significant upheavals and sudden shifts can occur during an eclipse. With September’s significant lunation approaching, certain planetary aspects will amplify the intensity for select zodiac signs. During the eclipse, the sun and moon positioned in Virgo and Pisces will form a tense T-square with the expansive Jupiter in Gemini. This alignment may amplify emotions, leading to a heightened and possibly exaggerated perception of reality. The moon will align closely with the mysterious Neptune, and the fog surrounding this enigmatic planet may obscure the clarity of people’s intentions.

Furthermore, the serious planet Saturn will clash with the intellectual planet Mercury in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, respectively—the same signs where the moon and sun will be in opposition as they create the eclipse. This may lead to profound insights or initiate meaningful discussions that encourage you to adjust your path or reconsider your trajectory.

Eclipses present a unique challenge, as their very essence is to realign you with your destiny and guide you toward the paths you are meant to follow. This significant eclipse will impact everyone, but those born under the mutable signs of the zodiac will experience its effects in a particularly pronounced way. If you happen to be one of the fortunate zodiac signs that are minimally impacted by September’s lunar eclipse, embracing these changes should come quite easily. In fact, you might find yourself eager to embrace them wholeheartedly.

Here’s what you can look forward to.

Zodiac Signs Most Affected by September’s Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This Virgo season, the energies have illuminated your fourth house, offering you a wonderful opportunity to refine your personal life and bring harmony to your home environment. September’s lunar eclipse is stirring the cosmic energies within your public-facing career sector, heralding significant transformations in your professional path. Accept the changes that are on the horizon. Should you find yourself ensnared in a stagnant professional environment or meandering through a path that fails to showcase your true abilities, this upcoming lunation holds the potential to usher in a period of realignment, illuminating fresh opportunities and perspectives for you to explore.

Furthermore, the fortunate presence of Jupiter in your sign creates a powerful T-square with the lunar eclipse and the nebulous influence of Neptune. Although the changes occurring at this time may seem overwhelming or monumental, rest assured that you are likely to find your footing once more. Embrace the intensity of your emotions and acknowledge any fears that may arise. Approach these experiences with resilience, trust, and self-assurance. Within you lies a profound potential waiting to be unveiled.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This eclipse occurs directly opposite the sun in your sign, Virgo, culminating your birthday season with a powerful celestial event. Prepare for significant changes in your relationships in the coming years. You will need to adapt to new dynamics and release any unrealistic expectations that may have hindered your ability to form genuine and long-lasting emotional bonds. This eclipse heralds the beginning of a significant new chapter, one that will profoundly reshape your sense of self and your relationships. It invites you to release outdated patterns and perceive those around you with fresh eyes. To achieve your goals, it is essential to maintain a grounded perspective on your current position.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is positioned in your sign and in opposition to Saturn during this eclipse, so you may find that recent developments compel you to establish new boundaries and discern your limits with those closest to you.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This eclipse is influencing your sign, Pisces, heralding a period of significant transformation in your life. The previous occurrence of an eclipse within your zodiacal realm was in 2017. The previous occurrence of a lunar eclipse in your sign, in conjunction with the North Node of Destiny, was a decade ago. This alignment heralds a significant transformation that is now due in your life. This celestial event invites you to examine your inner self with renewed perspective. Do you truly reveal the insights you perceive, or do you don a façade that conceals your authentic self?

The moon in your sign forms a close alignment with your ethereal cosmic ruler Neptune, illuminating your inclination toward escapism and revealing the profound truths that lie beneath your dreams. Now is the moment to dispel any illusions or insecurities that may cloud your vision. Embrace the opportunity to authentically express yourself in the world, whether it pertains to your relationships or the initial impressions you leave on those you encounter.

Zodiac Signs Least Affected by September’s Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Eclipses inherently signify a delicate alignment between the sun and the moon. Given that the sun governs Leo, these celestial occurrences hold significant relevance for individuals born under this sign, regardless of their specific chart placements. This cycle may present a more manageable experience for you. The journey that begins with this eclipse cycle unfolds profoundly within the depths of your life, psyche, and relationships, connecting you to your more hidden emotions and underlying fears. Although the energy may feel quite potent, the effects may not yet be manifest in your immediate surroundings. Consider it akin to gradually immersing yourself in the waters of experience.

Indeed, this signifies that you are poised for significant transformations as the eclipse cycle unfolds! In this moment, allow yourself the grace to embrace vulnerability. Do not shy away from the emotions or desires that arise; instead, welcome them with open arms. Whether you feel prepared or not, a profound journey of self-discovery is unfolding before you.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

During this lunar eclipse, a multitude of planetary interactions are unfolding, yet none directly engage with the energies of your sign, Scorpio. As you navigate this potent lunar phase, you may find yourself grounded and composed, even amidst the inevitable shifts and transformations that arise. This eclipse is illuminating your vibrant fifth house, inviting you to address any creative obstacles or anxieties regarding self-expression that may have hindered your ability to radiate your true essence. Should you find yourself concealing your passions due to self-doubt or the apprehension of failure—be it in a hobby, a creative pursuit, or a romantic context—it is essential to confront these emotions directly.

Your celestial guide Pluto will harmoniously align with the sun and the adventurous Uranus during the eclipse, inviting you to embrace the sense of security that the universe offers amidst the changes unfolding around you.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The upcoming eclipse in September is illuminating the financial sector of your chart, prompting a thorough examination of your income streams and a more pragmatic assessment of your resources. Indeed, navigating unexpected shifts in your financial landscape can evoke a sense of apprehension. While the cosmos may bring forth the possibility of an unforeseen eclipse, this particular lunation appears poised to offer a gentler influence upon your circumstances. During this time, as many individuals intersect with your journey, it is noteworthy that none will align with your sign. This unique positioning may grant you a more grounded perspective on the unfolding events of this period.

Since last year, Saturn has been traversing your financial sector, guiding you on a path of increased responsibility and a deeper commitment to your financial well-being. This eclipse serves as a catalyst, guiding you toward a new journey where you can effectively apply the invaluable lessons life has imparted to you. Have faith that the outcome will ultimately serve your highest good.

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